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SA:MP Community Offer. Read on. - Printable Version

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SA:MP Community Offer. Read on. - Dokins - 30.04.2011

Hello, I'm Grant, I would like to start a SA:MP community as I already have a Gaming Community, I have the following things:

-4 Years SA:MP experience. (Cannot Script, Hence why I need help.)
-Fully Hosted VPS. (Netherlands)
-Professional Grade Administration IN-GAME.
-Fully Hosted Forum, (New Domain Coming Soon)

I am looking for the following:

- A ROLEPLAY ONLY Script,Preferably countryside.(Vortex is Ideal)(Not Required However)
- A Scripter.
- Someone who is trust worthy and doesnt screw around.

- No, I'm not going to steal the script as you will have full access to the VPS and change the password, Your user will be the ONLY user on it, therefore I cannot access.

I'm looking for a community to be set-up, Sick of screwing around.


Re: SA:MP Community Offer. Read on. - Ubuntu - 30.04.2011

It's not the good area to advertise.

Re: SA:MP Community Offer. Read on. - admantis - 30.04.2011

^This is not an adversiment.

Re: SA:MP Community Offer. Read on. - Mr187 - 30.04.2011

Originally Posted by Dokins
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Hello, I'm Grant, I would like to start a SA:MP community as I already have a Gaming Community,
Yet you can't afford a domain name ?

Re: SA:MP Community Offer. Read on. - hackzor4 - 30.04.2011

I have a team working on developing a roleplay server , maybe we can use you're vps to host it , tell me you're opinion , i was planing on buying a server hosting for the script , but since you already have one maybe we can invest my money in something else or keep them for months to come , enyway pm me with you're opinion

Re: SA:MP Community Offer. Read on. - Dokins - 01.05.2011

Originally Posted by Mr187
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Yet you can't afford a domain name ?
If you havent read it properly, it said

(New Domain Coming Soon)

Regarding the fact this has only been up for a few days, I think progress is pretty quick.