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vehicles not streamed correctly? - Printable Version

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vehicles not streamed correctly? - BlackWolf120 - 28.04.2011


i dont know exctly what this is but sometimes on self mapped maps it happens that some players can walk through vehicles (without any driver or passengers in it).
This does not happen always but quite often.
Is there a way to prevent this?
What exactly is this? A SAMP bug or limit?
Is this normal for custom maps or is is a streaming problem?
I would be happy about some answers.
I know that there are some smart heads outside that can tell me what causes the problem here

regards, blackwolf.

Re: vehicles not streamed correctly? - BlackWolf120 - 29.04.2011


Re: vehicles not streamed correctly? - Backwardsman97 - 29.04.2011

Don't double post. It could be a few things I'd guess. Could be de-sync or lag. Vehicles are synced by players being in them. If you move one with nobody in it, it will only sync to those around it.

Re: vehicles not streamed correctly? - BlackWolf120 - 29.04.2011

hi first, thx for ur answer

2nd: its allowed to bump the topic after 12-24 hours i read the rules

And the prob is that also players that are next to this vehicle can just walk through it.
Any solutions to sync them?
Would be happy about some answers


Re: vehicles not streamed correctly? - DRIFT_HUNTER - 30.04.2011

First im sure its a COLLISION bug
Im not sure but i think its SAMP bug cos its never showed in SA

And its have nothing to do with your maps it can show on SA map to

These bug happened many times to me when i played SAMP and it was long ago...~ 1 year ago

Re: vehicles not streamed correctly? - =WoR=Varth - 30.04.2011

It is bug for some people. I use R3 and my new modem and its fucked up.
Then I use my old modem and it's okay.
Then I use my new modem and R2 and it's okat.
So I have no idea.

Re: vehicles not streamed correctly? - BlackWolf120 - 01.05.2011

yeah, i know its very strange.
Sometimes its just fine and sometimes its totaly fucked up....
I also dont know where the problem might be

But thx for ur answers
