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MAP EDITOR CONVERT - Printable Version

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MAP EDITOR CONVERT - NitoPSG - 27.04.2011

Guys i want to convert objects like this

CreateObject(5147, -2466.200439, 2160.607178, 13.587160, 0.0000, 0.0000, 90.0000);
CreateObject(5028, -2402.947754, 1972.650391, 6.886867, 0.0000, 0.0000, 340.0782);
CreateObject(8071, -2318.418213, 1839.003662, 2.326276, 0.0000, 0.0000, 157.5000);
CreateObject(9915, -2286.792480, 1743.247437, 16.245575, 0.0000, 0.0000, 67.5000);
i want to convert this to the first form like this

<map edf:definitions="editor_main">
    <object id="object (cs_roadbridge04) (1)" model="18450" interior="0" dimension="0" posX="-1163.9755859375" posY="56.9228515625" posZ="18.391630172729" rotX="0" rotY="349.74975585938" rotZ="45.41748046875" />
    <object id="object (vgsSairportland18) (1)" model="8355" interior="0" dimension="0" posX="-1086.9211425781" posY="133.16432189941" posZ="25.825242996216" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="315.34497070313" />
    <object id="object (vgsSairportland18) (2)" model="8355" interior="0" dimension="0" posX="-1064.4998779297" posY="111.40510559082" posZ="25.800243377686" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="315.34057617188" />
    <object id="object (concretearch03) (1)" model="17310" interior="0" dimension="0" posX="-1151.671875" posY="108.2744140625" posZ="29.596872329712" rotX="0" rotY="210.68481445313" rotZ="315.25268554688" />
    <object id="object (concretearch03) (2)" model="17310" interior="0" dimension="0" posX="-1143.5233154297" posY="116.56362915039" posZ="29.596872329712" rotX="0" rotY="210.68481445313" rotZ="315.25268554688" />
    <object id="object (concretearch03) (3)" model="17310" interior="0" dimension="0" posX="-1135.2307128906" posY="124.93404388428" posZ="29.596872329712" rotX="0" rotY="210.68481445313" rotZ="315.25268554688" />
    <object id="object (concretearch03) (4)" model="17310" interior="0" dimension="0" posX="-1127.0499267578" posY="133.21060180664" posZ="29.596872329712" rotX="0" rotY="210.68481445313" rotZ="315.25268554688" />
    <object id="object (concretearch03) (5)" model="17310" interior="0" dimension="0" posX="-1118.8355712891" posY="141.54217529297" posZ="29.596872329712" rotX="0" rotY="210.68481445313" rotZ="315.25268554688" />
how can i do this?

Re: MAP EDITOR CONVERT - aircombat - 27.04.2011

use :

Re: MAP EDITOR CONVERT - NitoPSG - 27.04.2011

Originally Posted by aircombat
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I have take a ready CreateObject Map and i want to edit it, so how can i load it in MTA Editor?

Re: MAP EDITOR CONVERT - aircombat - 27.04.2011

C:\Program Files\MTA San Andreas\server\mods\deathmatch\resources
then go in the folder [editor_test] with ur map name then go in the folder , open the .map file with the notepad , delete everything and paste ur map then save and then go to mta , load map and choose editor_test , then your map should appear