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[new prob]OnPlyerPickup spam and Get rid of the blue business houses - Printable Version

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[new prob]OnPlyerPickup spam and Get rid of the blue business houses - Pancake - 25.04.2011

1. OnPlayerPickup spams:
public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
              SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_LIGHTBLUE,"Type in /getjob to become a bodyguard");
              return 1;
	return 1;
It spams the client message!

2. Blue business houses appear.

How to get rid of them??


//edit: i asked about the blue houses again, cauz this is a new topic!

Re: OnPlyerPickup spam and Get rid of the blue business houses - captainjohn - 25.04.2011

What pickup type did you choose?

Choose the one that you want, that will get destroyed until death or something.

AW: [new prob]OnPlyerPickup spam and Get rid of the blue business houses - Pancake - 25.04.2011

But whats up, if he leaves the pickup for a moment? It gets destroyed and the player has to kill himself or wait for a few minutes to get the job!

is this the only way?? or is sth in the script wrong?? maybe sum returns? i am really new to pawn!

//edit: will the pickup get destroyed for everyone, or just the player who colides with it?

And ppls try to answer the second question, too.

Re: [new prob]OnPlyerPickup spam and Get rid of the blue business houses - boelie - 25.04.2011

i think the return under sendclientmessage doesnt belong there.
However i am having alot of pickup issues myself now these days

Re: [new prob]OnPlyerPickup spam and Get rid of the blue business houses - captainjohn - 25.04.2011

Show me the CreatePickup under OnGameModeInit

AW: [new prob]OnPlyerPickup spam and Get rid of the blue business houses - Pancake - 25.04.2011

Bodyguard1 = CreatePickup(1239, 1,1367.1448,-1290.2589,13.5469, 0);
above this i made the variable

new Bodyguard1;
hope it helps!