AguaPark BarCity v0.1 -
VetoBarrera - 23.04.2011
Well today I bring this filterscript CODE ONLY PAWN Done by my apparently investigate Mapping
well and Mr. [Ask] Terminator but I'm not sure because this map has happened to me makes an Ex-Friend
various time then do not know if this mapping is in Fs or just the map. but I Done I made a code of 0
but not by most think they are the same but I can not say that fs is here on the forum I have to see to believe
therefore I leave it in incognito, but if I want you to know that fs really the only code was for my pawn mapping
by this gentleman good without further ado here it is.
NOTE: This is an English translation by ****** translator xD, and I speak Spanish, but so will I bring this to you xD
Pickups: Teleportation, change clothes, animations
Gametext: that indicates clearly on each command used pickup
Excellent mapping and etc.
[Ask]Terminator (Mapping)
Respuesta: AguaPark BarCity v0.1 -
Host-samp - 23.04.2011
Re: AguaPark BarCity v0.1 -
Michael@Belgium - 23.04.2011
Looks nice !
Dit forum vereist dat je 120 seconden wacht tussen het verzenden van berichten. Probeer het nogmaals over 55 seconden.
Dit forum vereist dat je 120 seconden wacht tussen het verzenden van berichten. Probeer het nogmaals over 30 seconden.
Dit forum vereist dat je 120 seconden wacht tussen het verzenden van berichten. Probeer het nogmaals over 12 seconden.
Re: AguaPark BarCity v0.1 -
Naruto_Emilio - 23.04.2011
Nice Mapp and FS
Respuesta: AguaPark BarCity v0.1 -
VetoBarrera - 24.04.2011
Thank you guys, in spite of not speaking the same language we can help each other.
As we speak is that I have a project Rp be a Spanish-language which I scriptee
and then the same gm as Translates to English but I need a script that speaks English especially
United States or England if anyone knows of one who wants to put on a project my msm
Re: AguaPark BarCity v0.1 -
junkbuster - 24.04.2011
Learn a little bit about Language Arts, lol, newbie..
This FS and map is clear copy.. I think that I saw this FS and Map somewhere else.
Re: AguaPark BarCity v0.1 -
Abinesh™ - 24.04.2011
nice map , gud job
Re: AguaPark BarCity v0.1 -
NekErM@N - 24.04.2011
very nice 10/10
Respuesta: AguaPark BarCity v0.1 -
VetoBarrera - 24.04.2011
oye junkbuster te lo digo en espaсol para que aprendas o digo ale o andrew jericho compara
el codigo aver si es el mismo y muestramelo pedazo de lam***
Re: AguaPark BarCity v0.1 -
Harrinston - 25.04.2011
You are a lammer barrera, junkbuster said the truth, you had copied this script, lammer.
Respuesta: Re: AguaPark BarCity v0.1 -
VetoBarrera - 25.04.2011
Originally Posted by Nicolas_Harrinston
You are a lammer barrera, junkbuster said the truth, you had copied this script, lammer.
Nicolas Lammer you your were the one who said that all the mapping and so did you and gives you a relammer
I'm giving credit to the mapping and if you "say fg gm rw or whatever"has the same style of command
if it can be but the code that I did in the fs I play it differently and I did not have variables that the code looks gm
and compared with the gm and if you see the reason I exalt you, and if Siqueiros posting that gm gave me your friend
and left with doubts but you have sucked me baby nines, Greetings
EscucharLeer fonйticamente
Re: AguaPark BarCity v0.1 -
Harrinston - 25.04.2011
2 cosas, te las digo en espaсol para que entiendas.
1- No hace falta que yo te diga que sos lammer, porque ya todos lo saben y hasta vos sabes que robas creditos y este script no lo hiciste vos, aunque el script sea una pelotudez atomica
2- No voy a discutir por esta pelotudez y menos con VOS.
Respuesta: Re: AguaPark BarCity v0.1 -
VetoBarrera - 26.04.2011
Originally Posted by Nicolas_Harrinston
2 cosas, te las digo en espaсol para que entiendas.
1- No hace falta que yo te diga que sos lammer, porque ya todos lo saben y hasta vos sabes que robas creditos y este script no lo hiciste vos, aunque el script sea una pelotudez atomica
2- No voy a discutir por esta pelotudez y menos con VOS.
Por que huyes dandotelas de scripter fuiste el peor lammer de la historia y yo de puro hp subire ese gm y se enteren tus lammeadas roba creditos, y dile a tu profesor AlexPoison que te enseсe a no robar
Re: AguaPark BarCity v0.1 -
Harrinston - 26.04.2011
jajajaj, no es mi profesor y no tienes mi GM. Varios personas vieron mi GM y saben lo que es, no nesesito demostrartelo a vos
Respuesta: AguaPark BarCity v0.1 -
Pepot - 26.04.2011
Creo que estб secciуn es la ingles, y no es para discutir y aun menos en espaсol, porfavor no discutan.
Good thread (sea o deje de ser tuyo)
Respuesta: AguaPark BarCity v0.1 -
DarkChildren - 07.05.2011
nice scrip jje