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The best and the quickest Map editor - Printable Version

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The best and the quickest Map editor - captainjohn - 22.04.2011

Hello, I want to create some maps that I will soon release but I want to know which is the most efficient, the fastest and the most easiest to use map edittor/creator?


Re: The best and the quickest Map editor - Mrkrabz - 22.04.2011

MTA Map editor. Everyone uses it.

Re: The best and the quickest Map editor - [03]Garsino - 22.04.2011

MTA Map Editor, JernejL's map editor or mine (GarObject).

Re: The best and the quickest Map editor - crowb14 - 09.07.2011

u cant move or rotate objects with garobject please help me use it

Re: The best and the quickest Map editor - Hal - 10.07.2011

Originally Posted by crowb14
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u cant move or rotate objects with garobject please help me use it
You are doing it wrong then, cause you can...

Re: The best and the quickest Map editor - Gazmull - 13.07.2011

I suck on MTA Map editor :\
I'm using this.

Re: The best and the quickest Map editor - DexX39 - 18.07.2011

MTA Map Editor is the best.

Re: The best and the quickest Map editor - leong124 - 18.07.2011

Ingame Object Editors(FS/GM)
  1. Full support for 0.3c objects
  2. You can instantly add objects to your server
  1. Hard to select objects
  2. No free camera
  3. Requires an SA-MP server to run
  4. Fewer UIs as compared to the other two
SA-MP Map Editor/MEd
  1. Full support for 0.3c objects(For MEd it just needs to be modded for a little bit)
  2. Free camera
  3. More UIs
  1. Quite laggy for loading the world map
  2. Quite hard to control, no lock axis movements
  3. You can't add objects to your server instantly
  4. Sometimes you may move the objects when you only want to select them
MTA Map Editor
  1. Free camera
  2. Less lag
  3. Better controls like lock axis movements
  4. More UIs
  1. Little support for 0.3c objects (Needs to be modded and converted, and you can't use some original GTASA objects when 0.3c objects are loaded)
  2. Bugs will occur when there's many objects
  3. You can't add objects to your server instantly
If there's an FS/GM like MTA Map Editor, but with good support for 0.3c objects, it will be perfect.
Feel free to add some opinions for this list

Respuesta: The best and the quickest Map editor - clavador - 18.07.2011

MTA definitely.

Re: Respuesta: The best and the quickest Map editor - Flyfishes - 18.07.2011

Originally Posted by clavador
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MTA definitely.
Indeed, MTA is the best Mapping Editor around.