The best and the quickest Map editor -
captainjohn - 22.04.2011
Hello, I want to create some maps that I will soon release but I want to know which is the most efficient, the fastest and the most easiest to use map edittor/creator?
Re: The best and the quickest Map editor -
Mrkrabz - 22.04.2011
MTA Map editor. Everyone uses it.
Re: The best and the quickest Map editor - [03]Garsino - 22.04.2011
MTA Map Editor, JernejL's map editor or mine (GarObject).
Re: The best and the quickest Map editor -
crowb14 - 09.07.2011
u cant move or rotate objects with garobject please help me use it
Re: The best and the quickest Map editor -
Hal - 10.07.2011
Originally Posted by crowb14
u cant move or rotate objects with garobject please help me use it
You are doing it wrong then, cause you can...
Re: The best and the quickest Map editor -
Gazmull - 13.07.2011
I suck on MTA Map editor :\
I'm using
Re: The best and the quickest Map editor -
DexX39 - 18.07.2011
MTA Map Editor is the best.
Re: The best and the quickest Map editor -
leong124 - 18.07.2011
Ingame Object Editors(FS/GM)
- Full support for 0.3c objects
- You can instantly add objects to your server
- Hard to select objects
- No free camera
- Requires an SA-MP server to run
- Fewer UIs as compared to the other two
SA-MP Map Editor/MEd
- Full support for 0.3c objects(For MEd it just needs to be modded for a little bit)
- Free camera
- More UIs
- Quite laggy for loading the world map
- Quite hard to control, no lock axis movements
- You can't add objects to your server instantly
- Sometimes you may move the objects when you only want to select them
MTA Map Editor
- Free camera
- Less lag
- Better controls like lock axis movements
- More UIs
- Little support for 0.3c objects (Needs to be modded and converted, and you can't use some original GTASA objects when 0.3c objects are loaded)
- Bugs will occur when there's many objects
- You can't add objects to your server instantly
If there's an FS/GM like MTA Map Editor, but with good support for 0.3c objects, it will be perfect.
Feel free to add some opinions for this list
Respuesta: The best and the quickest Map editor -
clavador - 18.07.2011
MTA definitely.
Re: Respuesta: The best and the quickest Map editor -
Flyfishes - 18.07.2011
Originally Posted by clavador
MTA definitely.
Indeed, MTA is the best Mapping Editor around.