Rcon gmx vs exit -
GaGlets(R) - 22.04.2011
From my point this is a serious bug. Calling rcon function `gmx` OnPlayerDisconnect would be taken first which is my problem, but with function `exit` OnPlayerDisconnect gets called second so no problems and worries.
I don`t want to explane whole problem. I am just looking for solution to detect `gmx` before OnPlayerDisconnent gets called.
Re: Rcon gmx vs exit -
Miguel - 22.04.2011
Sorry, nevermind.
AW: Rcon gmx vs exit -
Meta - 22.04.2011
you could use a variable to stop OnPlayerDisconnect of processing, like this:
pawn Code:
public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
if(!OPD){return 1;}
and after you're done with the other functions, you do "OPD = 1;"
but you still have to see for a way to detect gmx ...
Re: Rcon gmx vs exit -
Ash. - 22.04.2011
I was pondering this a couple of weeks ago, i came up with this:
You could create your own gmx command?
Here's what i came up with. Doing it this way means you can pass your own reasoning to the OnPlayerDisconnect callback also. (
pawn Code:
#define GMX 10
public OnRconCommand(cmd[])
if(!strcmp("gmxex", cmd)) //Obviously you could edit the command name
for(new i; i < GetMaxPlayers(); i++)
OnPlayerDisconnect(i, GMX);
return 1;
return 1;
public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
//Here you could use the reason param to pass the reason of a restart :)
if(reason == GMX)
//Your restart message maybe?
//Or, cancel the OnPlayerDisconnect callback, as in:
return 0;
//Then your other stuff :)
Re: Rcon gmx vs exit -
GaGlets(R) - 22.04.2011
That is the reason - if server restarts via console?
@meta Think before posting.
So we can make a little suggestion @ OnPlayerDisconnect add one more reason (Server crashed/shutting down/restarting)
Re: Rcon gmx vs exit -
Ash. - 22.04.2011
It would be my approach, just to make an alternative command, and pass variables to OnPlayerDisconnect
Re: Rcon gmx vs exit -
Miguel - 23.04.2011
Originally Posted by ******
What are you on about? Gets called "first" and "second" - in relation to what? When it is called second what are you referring to that is called before it?
OnPlayerDisconnect gets called after OnGameModeExit. If you close the server connection to a MySQL database on the last one, everything goes wrong.
Re: Rcon gmx vs exit -
dannyk0ed - 23.04.2011
My code for GMX is
if(strcmp(cmd, "/restart", true) == 0)
if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1330)
format(string, sizeof(string), " An Admin has issued a server restart, this will take place in 10 seconds, please relog.", sendername);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, string);
format(string, sizeof(string), "** Warning: Not logging could cause you to spawn in random locations!", sendername);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_YELLOW, string);
RestartTime = SetTimer("Restart", 10000, 0);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, " You are not authorized to use that command !");
return 1;
Re: Rcon gmx vs exit -
GaGlets(R) - 23.04.2011
OMG just get the f. off this thread if you dont want to post something realy useful, stop collecting post ammount.
@ ****** - Miguel wrote an exclusive example. Although if I use array to store players name, all information would go wrong...
Re: Rcon gmx vs exit -
SaW_[VrTx] - 09.05.2011
I had the same problem.. Just make new callback called OPB and put OnPlayerDisconnect code under there. put OPB under OnPlayerDisconnect and OnGameModeExit.