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Small Help - Venice - 19.04.2011

pawn Код:
new plname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
    GetPlayerName(playerid, plname, sizeof(plname));
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,50,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"Register","Welcome to the server\n\nRegister Name: %s\nPlease open a new account\n\nEnter a password:","Register","Quit",plname);
When Show Register Dialog I need To Show Player Name try but not work
pawn Код:
\nRegister Name: %s

Re: Small Help - maij - 19.04.2011

you are trying to do format and showplayerdialog in one line.
In pawn, u can't do that.

format(stringsomething,lengthofmessage,"Welcome to the server\n\nRegister Name: %s\nPlease open a new account\n\nEnter a password:",plname);

ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,50,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"R egister",stringsomething,"Register","Quit");

I've been out pawn for a long time, this might not be correct but you get the idea.

Re: Small Help - Venice - 19.04.2011

Originally Posted by maij
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you are trying to do format and showplayerdialog in one line.
In pawn, u can't do that.

format(stringsomething,lengthofmessage,"Welcome to the server\n\nRegister Name: %s\nPlease open a new account\n\nEnter a password:",plname);

ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,50,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"R egister",stringsomething,"Register","Quit");

I've been out pawn for a long time, this might not be correct but you get the idea.
im not get idea.......... nothing there

Re: Small Help - alpha500delta - 19.04.2011

Something like this will do:

pawn Код:
new str[128];
new plname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];

GetPlayerName(playerid, plname, sizeof(plname));

format(str, sizeof(str), "Please register: %s!\nEnter your password to register:", plname);
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, dialogid, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Login", str, "Register", "Leave");

Re: Small Help - Venice - 19.04.2011

Thanks Work