Accents on Textdraws.. -
The_Moddler - 14.04.2011
Time ago I saw a stock.. but I can't find it now, anyone has it?
Respuesta: Accents on Textdraws.. -
The_Moddler - 17.04.2011
Re: Accents on Textdraws.. -
iJumbo - 17.04.2011
i saw it to ! let me search!
Re: Accents on Textdraws.. -
Stigg - 17.04.2011
Originally Posted by The_Moddler
Time ago I saw a stock.. but I can't find it now, anyone has it?
Is this what your after ?
pawn Код:
stock SetPlayerNameWithCountry(playerid, country[])
new string[128], playername[16];
GetPlayerName(playerid, playername, 16);
format(string, 128, "[%s]%s", country, playername);
SetPlayerName(playerid, string);
return 1;
//Example of use:
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
if(!strcmp("/im-hungarian", cmdtext, true)) return SetPlayerNameWithCountry(playerid, "HUN");
return 0;
Respuesta: Accents on Textdraws.. -
The_Moddler - 18.04.2011
Nope, not that, I need to add accents on textdraws.
Thanks anyways.
Re: Accents on Textdraws.. -
admantis - 18.04.2011
He means letters with the 'accent mark' or 'written accent', (б, й, н, у, ъ).
Just pointing it out after I saw Stigg's comment.
Re: Accents on Textdraws.. -
ElieJabbour - 18.04.2011
nope, its like Elie Jabbour [British Accent] : Hey Sup ?
Re: Accents on Textdraws.. -
admantis - 18.04.2011
Originally Posted by ElieJabbour
nope, its like Elie Jabbour [British Accent] : Hey Sup ?
Why you would need to put that in a textdraw?
Why you would need a custom function to do it?
Why would The_Moddler (a experienced scripter) ask for such a stupid thing?
So trust me, it's the б, й, н, у, ъ written accents.
Sorry for going off-topic.
Re: Respuesta: Accents on Textdraws.. -
Stigg - 18.04.2011
Originally Posted by The_Moddler
Nope, not that, I need to add accents on textdraws.
Thanks anyways.
Sozz it was'nt what you were looking for. I had that in my stock collection.
Respuesta: Accents on Textdraws.. -
The_Moddler - 19.04.2011
Yes, I'm talking about what
admantis says, the accents on the letters (у, б, й, etc..)
If someone could give/send/find the stock I would really appreciate it.