[HELP]Location of SA-MP user files -
Fly_luck - 05.04.2011
When I changed my OS from windows xp to windows 7,My gtasa and sa-mp still worked normally.
But soon I have failed to connect some of the servers(while other players can),
servers' ping just appeared to be "-" or "9999".
So I uninstalled sa-mp and sa completely(fully deleted including all the screenshots and photos took ingame),then reinstalled sa and sa-mp.
But what annoyed me is the server list was still the same!
So can anybody tells me where is the sa-mp user files located?I want to rebuild it of modify it!
1.Not the user files of singleplayer(screenshots etc.) but the files that save a list of the servers.
2.Sa-mp 0.3c latest version,sa 1.0 version without mod or cleo.
3.There is no windows.old folder in my C:\.I have fully formated my C:\.
4.Some servers are available to my friends but not me,that's why this is strange.
5.I was told by the hoster that in the server.cfg the "query" and "announce" are both set to 1,and so is the lanmode.
Re: [HELP]Location of SA-MP user files -
killanator10 - 05.04.2011
hmmm...... well the only places i know is ur gta sa directory and look in ur documents thats where some of the samp stuff is but i dont think so...that there is a list that tells u the servers
Re: [HELP]Location of SA-MP user files -
Fly_luck - 06.04.2011
Yep I even replace some of the files related to samp using my friend's,But still the same.The list including the servers might not be in the sa director..
Re: [HELP]Location of SA-MP user files -
Vince - 06.04.2011
Might be a firewall blocking connections. Check your firewall to see if samp.exe is allowed to connect to the internet.
Re: [HELP]Location of SA-MP user files -
[MG]Dimi - 06.04.2011
All quit all applications that you run on start up that use Internet like Team Viewer, Skype, Msn, Downloading Manager, Torrent... All of these stuffs can block connecting to internet if you have slow internet speed...