down? -
Dark_Thunder - 04.04.2011
Hey guyz i need help plz someone tell me is service is down?
I cant access cpanel as well as ftp
Re: down? - XFlawless - 04.04.2011
Yes Trueserve is down past 2 days.
Re: down? -
Calgon - 04.04.2011
Trueserve?! I swear some of these hosting companies pick their names straight out of their arseholes.
Re: down? -
Dark_Thunder - 04.04.2011
well my server is off from 2 days
anybody knows exact problem?
Re: down? -
Camacorn - 04.04.2011
The issue is clear, you chose an un-reliable, 12 year old owned, hosting company, with a shitty name.
Re: down? -
TruServe - 04.04.2011
It would be nice if you contacted us before jumping to conclusions, we are currently working on fixing the issue on our primary server which hosts our control panel and some gameservers. All customers will receive an extra week added to their server term as an apology for this issue. Any clients on the UK server should not have any problems. Please contact for further information on the issue.
And you are all entitled to your own opinion on our name.
Re: down? -
Dark_Thunder - 05.04.2011
but suppost is also offline!
Re: down? -
Dark_Thunder - 05.04.2011
stop it calg00ne and camacorn u dont have any rights to do that!
And ya i trust trueserve alot!
Atleast they provide cheap hosting with less lag!
Sorry andrew!
Re: down? -
Maftaca - 05.04.2011
Oh, Trueserve is cool and i am sad cause it is off! i want my High Life Back!!!
Re: down? -
wheelman_WM - 05.04.2011
Yea its off from 2 days got fucked