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Whats wrong with /specplayer cmd? - Printable Version

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Whats wrong with /specplayer cmd? - GBLTeam - 01.04.2011

Whats wrong in this command ? Why JunkBuster ban when someone use /specplayer id.. Please help me really need to fix this..

pawn Код:
dcmd_specplayer(playerid, params[])
    new Giveplayerid, Name[256], String[256], Name2[256];
    if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pGm] >= 1)
    if (sscanf(params, "d", Giveplayerid)) SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_WHITE, "SERVER: /specplayer [Playerid]");
    else if (!IsPlayerConnected(Giveplayerid)) SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_PURPLE,"Player not connected?");
    if ( Specing[Giveplayerid] == 1 )
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "   The person you have tried to spec is spectating someone else.");
    GetPlayerName(playerid, Name, 256);
    GetPlayerName(Giveplayerid, Name2, 256);
    format(String, 256, "[%i] %s is now spectating [%i] %s",playerid, Name,Giveplayerid, Name2);
    CallLocalFunction("ircRemoteSay", "iss", 1, "#FSE", String);
    Specing[playerid] = 1;
    if ( !IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(Giveplayerid) )
    TogglePlayerSpectating(playerid, 1);
    PlayerSpectatePlayer(playerid, Giveplayerid);
    SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, GetPlayerVirtualWorld(Giveplayerid));
    return 1;
    TogglePlayerSpectating(playerid, 1);
    PlayerSpectateVehicle(playerid, GetPlayerVehicleID(Giveplayerid));
    SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, GetPlayerVirtualWorld(Giveplayerid));
    return 1;
    return 1;

dcmd_specoff(playerid, params[])
    #pragma unused params
    TogglePlayerSpectating(playerid, 0);
    if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pGm] >= 1)
        if(Specing[playerid] != 0)
            Specing[playerid] = 0;
        SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_WHITE,"Trenutno nikoga ne specujete");
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "   Niste ovlasteni da koristite tu komandu !");
    return 1;

Re: Whats wrong with /specplayer cmd? - GBLTeam - 02.04.2011

anyone really need to fix this JunkBuster ban adm who type /specplayer..