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tiny map icon question - Printable Version

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tiny map icon question - BlackWolf120 - 31.03.2011


why is this map icon streamed with Incognitos streamer not visible if i use in the interior id 14?
for interior id 0 it just works fine.

pawn Код:
CreateDynamicMapIcon(-1360.8458,1633.9869,1053.6437, 23, 0, -1, 14 );
regards, Black.

Re: tiny map icon question - Jeffry - 31.03.2011

Map icons do not work in Interiors. Try Single-Player: They fail even there. ^^

Re: tiny map icon question - BlackWolf120 - 31.03.2011

ah ok.
Thx a lot once again Jeffry

regards, Black.

Re: tiny map icon question - Jeffry - 31.03.2011

No problem.