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help please - jejemonerz123 - 29.03.2011

i wanna make a score and money giver you get money and score if you are in the aircrafts like shamal

Re: help please - Medal Of Honor team - 29.03.2011

you mean that when player will enter shamal, they will score and money?

Re: help please - Gamer_Z - 29.03.2011

Please describe it more, I don't understand your language at all... Maybe ****** translate is better?
And why do you post teddy bears? XD

Re: help please - jejemonerz123 - 29.03.2011

Originally Posted by Medal Of Honor team
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you mean that when player will enter shamal, they will score and money?
no its available in all aircrafts and when they are inside the plane driving it they will have score and money every 1minute

Re: help please - jejemonerz123 - 29.03.2011

Originally Posted by gamer_Z
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Please describe it more, I don't understand your language at all... Maybe ****** translate is better?
And why do you post teddy bears? XD
its my signature Xd

Re: help please - iggy1 - 29.03.2011

Note you will need a function to check if the player is in an airplane for this to work. You will need to do something like this,
pawn Код:
#include <a_samp>

AirPay( playerid );

new airTimers[ MAX_PLAYERS ];

public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
    KillTimer( airTimers[ playerid ] );//kill timer when they disconnect
    return 1;

public OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger)
    if( IsAirPlane ( vehicleid ))//you will need to find/create this function.
        airTimers[ playerid ] = SetTimerEx( "AirPay", 60*1000, true, "i", playerid );//timer to give score/money

    return 1;

public OnPlayerExitVehicle(playerid, vehicleid)
    if(IsInAirPlane( playerid ))//you will need to find/create this function too.
        KillTimer( airTimers[ playerid ] );//kill the timer when they leave
    return 1;

public AirPay( playerid )
    if(IsInAirPlane( playerid ))
        GivePlayerMoney( playerid, 1000);
        SetPlayerScore( playerid, GetPlayerScore( playerid ) +1 );
        KillTimer( airTimers[ playerid ] );