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Sa-mp 0.3c Objects - Printable Version

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Sa-mp 0.3c Objects - Kuulp2he - 28.03.2011

I need help with sa-mp 0.3c objecs in mta, i did everything like theres tutorial in gamerx but if i go into game theres gray world everywhere i cant see anything , or anywhere. Theres 0.3c objects but cant see world :S


Re: Sa-mp 0.3c Objects - TheYoungCapone - 28.03.2011

its because you didn't uncomment the lines for example and btw u find this in meta.xml in editor_main open it with notepad also you can only have 1 object uncommented at a time or else things like gray screens will start to appear.

<!--SA-MP Objects -->
<!--<script src="samp_models_lsoffice.lua" type="client"/>-->
<!--<script src="samp_models_rc3_1.lua" type="client"/>-->
<script src="samp_models_rc3_2.lua" type="client"/> <---- that means ur going to use r3 part2 objects
<!--<script src="samp_models_rc4.lua" type="client"/>-->
<!--<script src="samp_models_rc5.lua" type="client"/>-->

Re: Sa-mp 0.3c Objects - Kuulp2he - 28.03.2011

ok thanks iil try

Re: Sa-mp 0.3c Objects - Kuulp2he - 28.03.2011

ommn now something more wrong... now i can see the objects but objects ids are wrong

Re: Sa-mp 0.3c Objects - Kuulp2he - 28.03.2011

please help me someone ;(