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Problem with PayCheck - Printable Version

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Problem with PayCheck - bijoyekuza - 26.03.2011

this is my first time making paycheck
I want to make something simple
so I have this
forward PayCheck(playerid);


and the public
public PayCheck(playerid)
	new hour,seconds;
	new minutes = 00;
		if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pScore] == 1 ||PlayerInfo[playerid][pScore] == 2)
			new score12[][6]
			PlayerInfo[playerid][pHours] = PlayerInfo[playerid][pHours] + 1;
 		if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pScore] == 2 ||PlayerInfo[playerid][pScore] == 3)
			new score23[][6]
			PlayerInfo[playerid][pHours] = PlayerInfo[playerid][pHours] + 1;
 		if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pScore] == 4 ||PlayerInfo[playerid][pScore] == 5)
			new score45[][6]
			PlayerInfo[playerid][pHours] = PlayerInfo[playerid][pHours] + 1;
 		if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pScore] == 6 ||PlayerInfo[playerid][pScore] == 7)
			new score67[][6]
			PlayerInfo[playerid][pHours] = PlayerInfo[playerid][pHours] + 1;
 		if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pScore] == 8||PlayerInfo[playerid][pScore] == 9)
			new score89[][6]
			PlayerInfo[playerid][pHours] = PlayerInfo[playerid][pHours] + 1;

I dont know if it works or not ...
cuz I need to wait till XX:00 and check that ?

Re: Problem with PayCheck - antonio112 - 26.03.2011

I doubt it`ll work.

Try using like:

pawn Код:
forward PaydayTime();
public PaydayTime()
    new hh, mm, ss;
    gettime( hh, mm, ss );

    if( mm == 0 )
           //blabla, your code here
And set a timer, once at minute, on gamemode init, like:

pawn Код:
SetTimer( "PaydayTime", 60000, true );
What does this do? It checks every minute, if the new 'minutes' is 00 ... which means, that only at :00 you`ll get paycheck. Don`t worry about few seconds delay.

Re: Problem with PayCheck - Medal Of Honor team - 26.03.2011

SetTimerEx( "PaydayTime", 60000, true, "d", playerid );

Re: Problem with PayCheck - antonio112 - 26.03.2011

Why would you use SetTimerEx in OnGameModeInit? the 'playerid' it`s not even defined ... Can`t use SetTimerEx.

Don`t know if my example works 100% ...