Need a scripter to develope my UNIQUE idea. -
meomi - 23.03.2011
Hey every scripter who are reading this thread.
Yes that's true, I need a scripter who could help me to develope.
What I mean is that YOU and me are going together to create a new UNIQUE mod which will be really famous.
Why is it so unique?
It's so unique because it's actually IMPOSSIBLE to ''steal'' the mod from us when we have start at public(anytime).
Anyways I have a txt document with the BASIC idea which describes alot.
Why would you as a scripter join me? Because you will get admin status and possibly owner-ship with me, and the mod will be really famous with the time.
Do I get any paid?
NO! And before adding me on MSN, make sure that you have read this. This is a FREE scripting work, you probably be owner with me and ADMIN status aswell.
How many years of experience do I as a scripter need?
As many as possible.
If you are new, I am not interested.
I want really to know you well before we develope, I have to trust you.
We will first of all talk and discuss we will later start small to think about stuffs before we start to script.
We will get a website, hosted-tab, 24/7 hosted ETC aswell when public or with time. 24/7 will be done really soon as we have start.
Anyways my msn is:
ONLY scripters add, no new scripter, EXPERIENCED scripters only.
Thanks for reading.
Re: Need a scripter to develope my UNIQUE idea. -
grand.Theft.Otto - 23.03.2011
lol'd. Are you serious?
Do I get paid?
No EXPERIENCED scripter will script for free.
Re: Need a scripter to develope my UNIQUE idea. -
Gamer_Z - 23.03.2011
Originally Posted by grand.Theft.Otto
lol'd. Are you serious?
Do I get paid?
No EXPERIENCED scripter will script for free.
they will but 16+ yrs don't have much spare time
Re: Need a scripter to develope my UNIQUE idea. -
-Rebel Son- - 24.03.2011
Whats the "Unique idea:
Re: Need a scripter to develope my UNIQUE idea. -
PinkFloydLover - 24.03.2011
Is the unique idea a GF edit?
Re: Need a scripter to develope my UNIQUE idea. -
JamesC - 24.03.2011
Originally Posted by grand.Theft.Otto
lol'd. Are you serious?
Do I get paid?
No EXPERIENCED scripter will script for free.
Re: Need a scripter to develope my UNIQUE idea. -
Kitten - 24.03.2011
Owner , Admin Really?
This seems so interesting
Re: Need a scripter to develope my UNIQUE idea. -
Steven82 - 24.03.2011
Honestly someone is going to rip you off and steal your idea....haha
Re: Need a scripter to develope my UNIQUE idea. -
meomi - 02.04.2011
I already got scripters, this is the most unique idea ever.
Nothing with lame roleplay to do,
This is incredible.
Re: Need a scripter to develope my UNIQUE idea. -
StreetGT - 02.04.2011
Originally Posted by meomi
Hey every scripter who are reading this thread.
Yes that's true, I need a scripter who could help me to develope.
What I mean is that YOU and me are going together to create a new UNIQUE mod which will be really famous.
Why is it so unique?
It's so unique because it's actually IMPOSSIBLE to ''steal'' the mod from us when we have start at public(anytime).
Anyways I have a txt document with the BASIC idea which describes alot.
Why would you as a scripter join me? Because you will get admin status and possibly owner-ship with me, and the mod will be really famous with the time.
Do I get any paid?
NO! And before adding me on MSN, make sure that you have read this. This is a FREE scripting work, you probably be owner with me and ADMIN status aswell.
How many years of experience do I as a scripter need?
As many as possible.
If you are new, I am not interested.
I want really to know you well before we develope, I have to trust you.
We will first of all talk and discuss we will later start small to think about stuffs before we start to script.
We will get a website, hosted-tab, 24/7 hosted ETC aswell when public or with time. 24/7 will be done really soon as we have start.
Anyways my msn is:
ONLY scripters add, no new scripter, EXPERIENCED scripters only.
Thanks for reading.
You said it to me =)
"nah, I got a 5 year of scripting experienced dude."
So you are a good scripter, and why you are requesting help?