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[help] /follow command - Printable Version

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[help] /follow command - InsaniManES - 20.03.2011

I need help.
I want to make a command that follow after a player.
Like /follow 1 - That will follow after the player that ID = 1.
I know that I need timer and get his position but how can I see his back? (Like the user see)

Re: [help] /follow command - Fj0rtizFredde - 20.03.2011

Maybe TogglePlayerSpectating and PlayerSpectatePlayer could help ?

Re: [help] /follow command - InsaniManES - 20.03.2011

I tried, It doesn't work

Re: [help] /follow command - antonio112 - 20.03.2011

Hm, I doubt you can 'literally' follow a player ... what you can do, is update the player position. Set a timer, that gets the player position and set the follower position. Can`t think of something else.

Re: [help] /follow command - InsaniManES - 20.03.2011

I did it and it works.
But how can I put the camera relative to FacingAngle? What is the formula?

Re: [help] /follow command - antonio112 - 20.03.2011

Wait ... you did it with teleport or you actually found a way to 'follow' other player?

ps: You can use a timer and set the camera behind player, using this function:
pawn Код:

Re: [help] /follow command - Macluawn - 20.03.2011

You could actually set players animation to walking, and change facing angle so the player will turn. If the other player is getting to far - set him running animation.

Re: [help] /follow command - Sexserghy - 20.03.2011

U wanna to recon player, search command /recon on SAMP forum

Re: [help] /follow command - Biesmen - 20.03.2011

Originally Posted by Macluawn
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You could actually set players animation to walking, and change facing angle so the player will turn. If the other player is getting to far - set him running animation.
It won't work, the 'teleport' effect of SetPlayerPos will still be there.