help with this please -
xir - 17.03.2011
i need help with my system..
when i create a clan, it works and all, but when I chat there is nothing in the brackets
here is it
why doesnt it work?
Re: help with this please -
xir - 20.03.2011
Do you want to see the enums or something? Please I need help
Re: help with this please -
xir - 21.03.2011
AW: help with this please -
Pablo Borsellino - 21.03.2011
Bump/Push only every 24 Hours dude! Debug your Code (every 10th line a print("1"); > print("2); and so on) To see where your Code stop.
Re: help with this please -
xir - 21.03.2011
it works, but when I chat the clan name is not in the [ ]
Re: help with this please -
xir - 24.03.2011
do you want to see how the clans saves/loads? Because I think it has problem to save the clans then load it?
Re: help with this please -
xir - 25.03.2011
I've noticed that when I create a clan it saves to the file wrong, it doesnt show the clan name in the file, that is the problem..
Here is my saveclans/loadclans
pawn Код:
forward LoadClans();
public LoadClans()
new arrCoords[4][64];
new strFromFile2[256];
new File: file = fopen("Clans/clans.cfg",io_read);
if (file)
new idx;
while (idx < sizeof(Clans))
fread(file, strFromFile2);
split(strFromFile2, arrCoords, '|');
strmid(Clans[idx][cName], arrCoords[0], 0, strlen(arrCoords[0]), 255);
strmid(Clans[idx][clOwner], arrCoords[1], 0, strlen(arrCoords[1]), 255);
Clans[idx][Front] = strval(arrCoords[2]);
Clans[idx][Back] = strval(arrCoords[3]);
return 1;
forward SaveClans();
public SaveClans()
new idx;
new File: file2;
while (idx < sizeof(Clans))
new coordsstring[256];
format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "%s|%s|%d|%d\n",
if(idx == 0)
file2 = fopen("Clans/clans.cfg",io_write);
file2 = fopen("Clans/clans.cfg",io_append);
fwrite(file2, coordsstring);
return 1;
Can anyone make it to dini?
Re: help with this please -
xir - 25.03.2011
Guys I really need help on this one
Re: help with this please -
MadeMan - 25.03.2011
Problem is in /clancreate command.
pawn Код:
strmid(Clans[i][cName], result, 0, strlen(result), 255);
You save result to Clans[i][cName] but result is empty, you don't save anything there.
Re: help with this please -
xir - 25.03.2011
Uhm can you help me fix it? Because I used that when I used strcmp and strtok long time ago.
Maybe a better and effiecent way to make it save? Please help