Help Here Please. -
pawn Код:
irccmd_jail(conn, channel[], user[], params[])
if(!ircIsOp(conn,channel,user)) return IrcSay(""IRC_AUTH_MSG"");
ID = strval(params),tString[128],
if(sscanf(params, "dz", ID, Reason))
return IrcSay ("USAGE: !jail [Playerid] [Reason]");
GetPlayerName(ID,PlayerName, sizeof PlayerName);
if(GetPVarInt(ID, "jailed") == 0)
GetPlayerName(ID, PlayerName, sizeof PlayerName);
if(strlen(Reason) == 0)
format(Reason, sizeof Reason, "%s Sent %s to jail.",user,PlayerName,Reason);
format(Reason, sizeof Reason, "%s Sent %s to jail for %s",user,PlayerName,Reason);
printf("[IRC] Admin %s from IRC jailed %s for %s",user,PlayerName,Reason);
SetPVarInt(ID, "jailed", 1); //jailed
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
SetPlayerPos(i, 197.7029,174.8801,1003.0234);
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
SetPlayerInterior(i, 3);
return 1;
} else {
IrcSay("Player is already in jail");
return 1;
Ok, This works perfectly but what I need is that when the admin jail you then send the msg to the Jailed.
Re: Help Here Please. -
Respuesta: Help Here Please. -
Re: Help Here Please. -
Yes you can, you can use sendclientmessage with irc... it shows up ingame lol