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Two admin cmds request - Printable Version

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Two admin cmds request - Rivera - 15.03.2011

1) Now, I want some admin request. I created an admin house and I want only admins to /enter it. Also, I want to create an admin house's interior, like a luxury house. That's my house:

pawn Код:
CreateObject(3483, -2329.9060058594, -1619.1413574219, 489.66583251953, 1, 0, 0);
Now, inside I want to have some kind of pickups, like 1000 health restoring and another pickup that gives you $9,999,999. If another non-admin player gets this pickup he gets auto-banned. And, outside I want to have a gate that opes with /gate.

2) A /fly cmd, that makes me fly in the air and travel by flying. I want it explained, please!

That's all. I will be very grateful to everyone who helps me!

Re: Two admin cmds request - Rivera - 15.03.2011

any help? Please I need this... come on, don't be lazy

Re: Two admin cmds request - tanush - 15.03.2011

:P your lazy actually

Re: Two admin cmds request - Rivera - 16.03.2011


:P your lazy actually

Me lazy? I don't KNOW how to script them, it's not that I am lazy lol! Please I need help!!

Re: Two admin cmds request - austin070 - 16.03.2011

Use the script request thread.

Re: Two admin cmds request - Rivera - 16.03.2011

Script request? uhh.. where?

Re: Two admin cmds request - xir - 16.03.2011

Re: Two admin cmds request - Jochemd - 16.03.2011

Use the search if you're not lazy

Re: Two admin cmds request - AH.1990 - 16.03.2011

you are not just asking for cmds your asking for pickups interior and a gate i can make for you the cmds but the mapping is for you!!

thats a good editor program you can map the gate easily and stuff you want if you know how to make a basic cmd i will tell you how to make the only admin and /gatecmd

if you wanna make something for admins only (RCON!!!)
do this

pawn Код:
        //code here  will do if the player is not an admin you want an auto ban here it is
about the gate cmd its easy first make a gate
pawn Код:
new gate;

public OnGameModeInit()
      gate = CreateObject(objectid, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, w/e);
Well Now You Made the gate now we make the command to open the gate
i will use zcmd easy fast cmd processor you can find it here:

gate cmd (For RCON admins only!!!)
pawn Код:
CMD:gate(playerid, params[])
                 MoveObject(gate, x, y, z-30, 5.0);
                //code here maybe:
      return 1;
look moveobject will move the object you wanna move the object down then u will
copy the gate standard pos and paste it then decrease Z thats will make the object go down up you will increase Z and in else is if the player is not admin you can do what ever you wanna do

if you still need any help tell me
i will tell you the /fly cmd soon gimme sometime

Re: Two admin cmds request - Rivera - 16.03.2011

Oh, thanks god! A good person in this middle... thanks bro!