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New Thing (Objects) - Printable Version

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New Thing (Objects) - [nL]W0rfleR - 15.03.2011

You know the script *Hold-Studio* ?

well you know how u can attach objects change the size of the objects ?

well it would be mad if someone made a *script* where u can create objects in game and also change the size of the objects like on hold-studio :P

Re: New Thing (Objects) - Retardedwolf - 15.03.2011

Yes, I think Hold Studio would be enough instead of many different filterscripts doing the same deal.

Re: New Thing (Objects) - [nL]W0rfleR - 15.03.2011

no i mean like build objects not attach like hold studio has a feature of changing the size

it would be cool to build around SA and change object size

Re: New Thing (Objects) - Mauzen - 15.03.2011

You can only change the size of objects that are attached to players, not of normal objects you create with CreateObject.
This is because attached objects have no collision map, but normal objects do, and scaling this seems not to work properly, so this feature is not available at the moment / ever.

Re: New Thing (Objects) - SkyRoyX - 16.03.2011

Yep Yep Yep you means haha :P