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About NPCs - Printable Version

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About NPCs - Tee - 14.03.2011

Hello Guys. There is a small problem I have, I have tryed to get a NPC on my local server but it does not work. I see where the NPC connects (in the console) but he won't spawn.

As kc said, we can put If(IsPlayerNpc(playerid))return 1; at the nessary callbacks. I put mine on OnPlayerRequestSpawn and OnPlayerRequestClass. Also I tryed it with OnPlayerConnect but non seems to work. The npc connects just does not spawn.

EDIT: I went in the server and teleported to id 0 and he was there. but just standing at the place.

The NPC is not in a vehicle.

Re: About NPCs - Kitten - 14.03.2011

Is this in a fliterscript or a gamemode?

and the recording file should be in the right place this can cause it to.

Re: About NPCs - Tee - 14.03.2011

Gamemode. He is at the spawn just not doing anything and it is an on foot npc.

Re: About NPCs - grand.Theft.Otto - 14.03.2011

Go back and do the OnGameModeInit part again like kc quoted. But what I recommend is you put every ConnectNPC line as the very first line under OnGameModeInit.

pawn Код:
if(IsPlayerNPC(playerid)) //Checks if the player that just spawned is an NPC.
        new npcname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
        new Text3D:label[MAX_PLAYERS];
        GetPlayerName(playerid, npcname, sizeof(npcname)); //Getting the NPC's name.
        if(!strcmp(npcname, "namehere", true)) //Checking if the NPC's name is MyFirstNPC
            PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, MyFirstNPCVehicle, 0); //Putting the NPC into the vehicle we created for it.
            return 1;
put these functions as the first ones under OnPlayerSpawn and maybe your bot shouldn't be in the spawn point.

Re: About NPCs - Tee - 14.03.2011

The bot should not be in a vehicle. Just normal running and doing stuff.

EDIT: I found my problem. #define RECORDING_TYPE 1 and not 2. Well he was just standing there waiting for his vehicle to arrive xD. 1 is for InVehicle and 2 is for OnFoot. Thanks anyways.