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[HELP] Admin Protection - kemppis_ - 10.03.2011

I've made menu, /veh <-it's a vehicle menu

Ok, it works PERFECTLY but i wanna protect it, than only admins can use it?

im very happy if someone help me :/

Re: [HELP] Admin Protection - xir - 10.03.2011

Which ini system are you using?

Re: [HELP] Admin Protection - kemppis_ - 10.03.2011

Originally Posted by xir
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Which ini system are you using?
Omm, What do you mean?
If you mean User file, i have name.ini in my scriptfiles/users/name.ini

Re: [HELP] Admin Protection - Riddick94 - 10.03.2011

pawn Код:
if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid))return false;
Over ShowPlayerDialog.

false can be changed to SendClientMessage. Then when it'll player and type this command it'll send player a message.

Re: [HELP] Admin Protection - kemppis_ - 10.03.2011

Originally Posted by Riddick94
Посмотреть сообщение
pawn Код:
if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid))return false;
Over ShowPlayerDialog.

false can be changed to SendClientMessage. Then when it'll player and type this command it'll send player a message.
i try, thanks

Re: [HELP] Admin Protection - kemppis_ - 10.03.2011

If you mean, This way?

	if(strcmp("/veh", cmdtext, true)==0)
	    if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid))return false;
		    	SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "ADMIN: You are not an admin!");
				ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,1,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Vehicles","1.Elegy\n2.Hotring Racer\n3.Super GT\n4.Bullet\n5.Police LSPD\n6.Firetruck LA","Spawn","Exit");
				return 0;

It doesn't work? if im doing it wrong, fix it pls :S

Re: [HELP] Admin Protection - xir - 10.03.2011

Which ini system you use? Dini, mysql etc..

And the IsPlayerAdmin is for RCON use, do you want players/admins to log in the RCON and use the cmds? I don't recommend that.

But if you use dini, you can do this.

pawn Код:
enum pInfo
This under OnPlayerDisconnect

pawn Код:
dini_IntSet(file, "AdminLevel",PlayerInfo[playerid][AdminLevel]); // saves the admin level
Something like this under your register cmd/dialog

pawn Код:
dini_Create(file); // creates file
        dini_IntSet(file, "AdminLevel",PlayerInfo[playerid][AdminLevel] = 0);
Then add this to your CMDS

pawn Код:
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][AdminLevel] < 1) return 0; // If player is admin level 1 and above, this command will be executed, otherwise it will return "SERVER: Unknown command.
But afterall it is you who decide if it should be rcon or this.

Re: [HELP] Admin Protection - kemppis_ - 10.03.2011


i didn't understand :/

What do you mean Dini etc..
how can i see that?

Re: [HELP] Admin Protection - xir - 10.03.2011

Dini is an ini system which can save stats.

Here is the download link

When downloaded, goto pawno/include and copy the to your pawno/include. When done that, go to your script and next to your includes write
pawn Код:
#include <Dini>

Re: [HELP] Admin Protection - kemppis_ - 10.03.2011

Ok, if i wanna use dini now?

But, i don't really know how to code Register/login Dialog/cmd

can u help me a little :S

Re: [HELP] Admin Protection - xir - 10.03.2011

Here is a nice tutorial.

Re: [HELP] Admin Protection - Riddick94 - 10.03.2011

LOL! he wan't a command for admin.. =_=

pawn Код:
if(strcmp("/veh", cmdtext, true)==0)
    if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid))return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "ADMIN: You are not an admin!");
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,1,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Vehicles","1.Elegy\n2.Hotring Racer\n3.Super GT\n4.Bullet\n5.Police LSPD\n6.Firetruck LA","Spawn","Exit");
    return 1;

Re: [HELP] Admin Protection - xir - 10.03.2011

Yes, but maybe he would like to build an admin team and make alot of cmds. Then rcon is not recommended. -.-

Re: [HELP] Admin Protection - kemppis_ - 10.03.2011


I don't have errors but few warnings..
now, when i join the server, doesn't pop up any dialog Register/login
What is wrong?

Warnings are in those lines ->

Spawn.pwn(151) : warning 217: loose indentation
Spawn.pwn(152) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
Spawn.pwn(336) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "string"
Spawn.pwn(396) : warning 217: loose indentation
Spawn.pwn(452) : warning 217: loose indentation

Re: [HELP] Admin Protection - xir - 10.03.2011

Try this

Re: [HELP] Admin Protection - kemppis_ - 10.03.2011

No errors / Warnings but not working :///

Re: [HELP] Admin Protection - xir - 10.03.2011

What is not working?

Re: [HELP] Admin Protection - kemppis_ - 10.03.2011

Dialogs won't pop up
im testing it with grandlarc gamemode

Re: [HELP] Admin Protection - xir - 10.03.2011

Hmm, I can see you made this as a filterscript. Are you sure you added the filterscript name in server.cfg?

Re: [HELP] Admin Protection - kemppis_ - 10.03.2011

Yes im sure