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pVars - Printable Version

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pVars - sim_sima - 03.03.2011

Can anyone tell me about pVars? What is it?

- Thank you.

Re: pVars - Stigg - 03.03.2011

Re: pVars - Sasino97 - 03.03.2011

SetPVar Int/String/Float(playerid, pvar, value);

playerid: The player id
pvar: for example "Money" or "Ammo" with "" !
value: The value to assign to that var


SetPVarInt(playerid, "Money", GetPlayerMoney(playerid));

it's the same thing as

new Money[MAX_PLAYERS];
Money[playerid] = GetPlayerMoney(playerid);

But with PVars you don't have to declare with "new"

Re: pVars - sim_sima - 03.03.2011

Oh. What is best to use? "new" variables or pVars?

Re: pVars - Mean - 03.03.2011

Non of them are best to use, still I would go with normal variables ( "new" ). Because they are faster than pVars. pVars = Smaller AMX size, but slower, Normal variables = Bigger AMX size, faster.
So, I never cared about AMX size, so I go with normal variables.