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What does this mean? - Robert_Crawford - 25.02.2011

[23:03:14] Loaded.
[23:03:14] Loading plugin:
[23:03:14] Failed (/usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not found (required by plugins/
[23:03:14] Loaded 1 plugins.

[23:03:14] Filter Scripts
[23:03:14] ---------------
[23:03:14] Loaded 0 filter scripts.

[23:03:14] Script[gamemodes/qrp.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[23:03:14] Number of vehicle models: 0

Re: What does this mean? - alpha500delta - 25.02.2011

Well... the error says all, put in your plugins folder

Re: What does this mean? - Mr.Black - 25.02.2011

i am not sure but i think that you did something wrong in the .cfg , Gamemode : *you typed seomthning wrong here* , i wish this help you

Re: What does this mean? - Robert_Crawford - 25.02.2011

No it says it is required by that plugin
and then nah the plugin is spelled right

Re: What does this mean? - Calgon - 25.02.2011

You need glibc, or a more recent version to use the plugin.

Re: What does this mean? - Robert_Crawford - 25.02.2011

Now just it doesn't want to load the gm... / Like the plugin doesn't try and connect to a local sql server could it be my linux os?

Re: What does this mean? - snoob - 25.02.2011

in your linux os, try:
apt-get glibc
then try again

Re: What does this mean? - Robert_Crawford - 25.02.2011

Originally Posted by snoob
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in your linux os, try:
apt-get glibc
then try again
Command Not Found

Re: What does this mean? - XFlawless - 25.02.2011

apt-get install glibc

Re: What does this mean? - Robert_Crawford - 25.02.2011

Originally Posted by Meyer
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apt-get install glibc
Command Not Found

Re: What does this mean? - Robert_Crawford - 25.02.2011

The pluigin is broke i just tried using it on server ffs. That plugin is crap when it comes to linux.

Re: What does this mean? - XFlawless - 26.02.2011

Originally Posted by Robert_Crawford
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Command Not Found
Which linux distro ?

Re: What does this mean? - Robert_Crawford - 26.02.2011

Cent Os 5

Re: What does this mean? - TruServe - 26.02.2011

Well then:
yum install glibc
(or you can compile it yourself)

Re: What does this mean? - Robert_Crawford - 27.02.2011

Package glibc-2.5-49.el5_5.7.i686 already installed and latest version
Nothing to do