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[Map] Los Santos prison[Not Completed] - Printable Version

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Los Santos prison[Not Completed] - ZoomLV - 23.02.2011

Okey today i was bored so i made this map :P

CreateObject(1411, 1758.3577880859, -1592.8043212891, 18.073455810547, 0, 0, 16;
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CreateObject(1411, 1749.3966064453, -1556.4359130859, 18.073455810547, 0, 0, 89.99450683593;
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CreateObject(1411, 1749.4338378906, -1545.8723144531, 18.073455810547, 0, 0, 89.99450683593;
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CreateObject(1411, 1822.2807617188, -1533.0107421875, 18.073455810547, 0, 0, 357.978515625);
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CreateObject(10079, 1777.7507324219, -1538.6928710938, 41.128921508789, 0, 0, 39.99499511718;
CreateObject(10079, 1762.2275390625, -1551.8391113281, 41.128921508789, 0, 0, 39.990234375);
CreateObject(3934, 1808.4877929688, -1548.4302978516, 37.959091186523, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(7090, 1813.4838867188, -1555.5067138672, 26.512662887573, 0, 0, 312);

Re: Los Santos prison[Not Completed] - Markx - 23.02.2011

Use pawn code insted of Quotes

Re: Los Santos prison[Not Completed] - justsomeguy - 23.02.2011

and use [img[/img]

Re: Los Santos prison[Not Completed] - FirziKs - 23.02.2011

Nice.. I like it even now! 10/10

Re: Los Santos prison[Not Completed] - ZoomLV - 23.02.2011

I wanted to use [img][/img] but when i posted my first map all said that my pictures are too big :P