Class Selection For Player - Printable Version
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Class Selection For Player -
eran1x1 - 19.02.2011
Hi, I work on Cops And Robs mode now,
So I want to do,
That if this is a new player, So he wiil be with the full class selection,
And if it a player that he isn't new so he will can chose only he's player,
I mean like,
I new in the server and I choose to be a Medic
So I log out and log in, and now I didn't see the cop as the first skin, I see my skin,
I hope that I explain my self....
Thanks for who answer to me
Re: Class Selection For Player -
maramizo - 19.02.2011
What do you mean 'I didn't see the cop as first skin'?
Re: Class Selection For Player -
eran1x1 - 19.02.2011
That the first skin was of my medic,
And not as a other skin
Re: Class Selection For Player -
eran1x1 - 19.02.2011
PHP код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
Class_SetPlayer(ClassSkin[playerid], playerid, false);
return 1;
public OnPlayerRequestSpawn(playerid)
return 1;
And when I login I have the medic skin, but when some one else login and he is a cop he have the medic skin...
I use your include y_classes