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Abaut the spawn box << >> Spawn - Printable Version

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Abaut the spawn box << >> Spawn - Adnan Pasic - 19.02.2011

I have 1 problem with that!
I have a login box and all work,now to the problem when i take in the pass then show me the:
Can me anybody give the script or tutorial when i take the pass that automatly spawn me!
Srx for bad english!

Re: Abaut the spawn box << >> Spawn - xRyder - 19.02.2011

When player passes 'tutorial' or w/e you have, use SetSpawnInfo.
And the just SpawnPlayer.

Re: Abaut the spawn box << >> Spawn - Adnan Pasic - 19.02.2011

I needed that!
Sry for bad english becaose i am from a another country!

Re: Abaut the spawn box << >> Spawn - xRyder - 19.02.2011

Originally Posted by Adnan Pasic
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I needed that!
Sry for bad english becaose i am from a another country!
No problem, you can always ask your questions here.
I assume that your from BiH or something like that...
If not, ignore this.

Re: Abaut the spawn box << >> Spawn - Mean - 19.02.2011

I got a better way.
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerRequestClass( playerid, classid )
    return 0;
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerRequestSpawn( playerid )
    if( gPlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Logged ] < 1 ) // Change gPlayerInfo to your own var.
        return 0;