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Everyone is money cheater? (BUG) - Printable Version

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Everyone is money cheater? (BUG) - DisasterKing - 18.02.2011

Hello, i have one bug, for everyone who join my server, my admin team get messages ID is money cheater, he make 50000 dollars in one second, please check him.
And that message is al all display, he show everu 0.1 second anything else you write in chat didint show becouse there is no time becouse cheat warning message show to fast :S any help? tnx ))

Re: Everyone is money cheater? (BUG) - Ash. - 18.02.2011

Show us your Anti-Money Cheat code.

Re: Everyone is money cheater? (BUG) - DisasterKing - 18.02.2011

i dont have anticheat, its in gamemod warning message, i realy dont know that can be problem :S

Re: Everyone is money cheater? (BUG) - MadeMan - 18.02.2011

We can't help if you don't show the code.

Re: Everyone is money cheater? (BUG) - DisasterKing - 18.02.2011

if(GetPlayerMoney(i) - CurrentMoney[i] >= 50000 && PlayerInfo[i][pAdmin] < 1)
                    CurrentMoney[i] = GetPlayerMoney(i);
					ConsumingMoney[i] = 0;
			        GetPlayerName(i, plname, sizeof(plname));
			        format(string, 256, "AdmWarning: [%d]%s Has just make over 50000, please check him with /check.",i,plname);
			        CurrentMoney[i] = GetPlayerMoney(i);
this is the code of that warning message, i realy didint see any misstake :S

Re: Everyone is money cheater? (BUG) - OldDirtyBastard - 18.02.2011

Might could be a 1 second timer that is giving the money maybe at OnPlayerConnect or at OnPlayerSpawn.
Can be a mistake.

Respuesta: Everyone is money cheater? (BUG) - Code8976Man - 18.02.2011

Fix anticheat or remove it. If you want an efficient one, use JunkBuster.

Re: Everyone is money cheater? (BUG) - DisasterKing - 18.02.2011

Originally Posted by Code8976Man
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Fix anticheat or remove it. If you want an efficient one, use JunkBuster.
Originally Posted by DisasterKing
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i dont have anticheat, its in gamemod warning message, i realy dont know that can be problem :S