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Maybe you gave destruction derby gm - Printable Version

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Maybe you gave destruction derby gm - domceo1 - 18.02.2011

Hi allMy very need destruction derby gm script maybe you can give me?Like this
HostName: Crash 'n Burn Destruction Derby v3
Players: 5 / 16
Ping: 155
Mode: Destruction Derby
Map: Fun Karts

Re: Maybe you gave destruction derby gm - Libra_PL - 18.02.2011

Have a look at this one:

Re: Maybe you gave destruction derby gm - domceo1 - 18.02.2011

Failure of the link. MAybe you can upload this?

Re: Maybe you gave destruction derby gm - domceo1 - 18.02.2011

plz help:S