[HELP] With Scripting [HELP] - Printable Version
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[help] /enter Commands not Functioning. -
ahmetg - 18.02.2011
All (MOST) of my /enter Places dont Work! I do not know why, Many scripters have looked at it and tried but none of them could work it, I need someones Help who understands about it, So many places /enter doestn work Example, Demorgan cant /enter Lab, Lockerroom or Cells, PD Cant /exit from inside to the garage or /enter from the garage to the inside, FBI Cant /enter in the HQ.
Here is the Commands on Pastebin.:
Something is Wrong and i need help so bad:
Re: [HELP] With Scripting [HELP] -
ahmetg - 18.02.2011
Please someone help
Re: [HELP] With Scripting [HELP] -
cmg4life - 18.02.2011
1. Express your problem in the title, with few words.
2. Post some code, we aren't telepaths.
3. Don't double-post.
4. Post /enter and /exit (the codes).
5. Use a pastebin, don't post the code in the reply, just the link for the pastebin in which you pasted it.
Re: [HELP] With Scripting [HELP] -
ahmetg - 18.02.2011
Okay got all /enter commands on Pastebin i hope.