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Help getting vehicleID number - Printable Version

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Help getting vehicleID number - tony_fitto - 16.02.2011

Hey guys, I have a problem with this code,
This code should read the licensesplate number on the vehicles and at the same time it has confirmed its the correct ID number it should get the vehicle ID number but some how it doesn't work. Anyone that are able to help me?

stock GetVehicleIDFromPlate(plate)
	for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(CarInfo); i++)
	    if(plate == CarInfo[i][cLicense])
	        return i;
	return 0;

Re: Help getting vehicleID number - Calgon - 16.02.2011

Paste the part of code where you create the variable 'cLicense' and paste a part of your code that uses this function.

Re: Help getting vehicleID number - tony_fitto - 16.02.2011

here are the part for the MDC

if(dialogid == DIALOGID_MDC_VEH)
        new MDC[1000];
        new hour,minuite;
		hour = shifthour;
            new carid = GetVehicleIDFromPlate(strval(inputtext));
            /*format(MDC, sizeof(MDC), "~b~              Mobile Data Computer~n~          		Vehicle Database ~n~~n~~w~Vehicle Model: %s~n~Vehicle Owner: %s~n~Vehicle Plate: %s~n~~n~~n~~y~|v1.0|								   |%d:%d|", ArIsim[carid -400], CarInfo[carid][cOwned], CarInfo[carid][cLicense], hour, minuite);
 			TextDrawSetString(InfoBox[playerid], MDC);
			TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, InfoBox[playerid]);*/
			SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_BLUE_COLOR,"______-=MOBILE DATA COMPUTER=-_______");
			format(string, 128, "Vehicle Model: %s", ArIsim[carid -400]);
			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, string);
			format(string, 128, "Vehicle Owner: %s", CarInfo[carid][cOwned]);
			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, string);
			format(string, 128, "Vehicle Plate: %d", CarInfo[carid][cLicense]);
			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, string);
		    format(MDC, sizeof(MDC), "~b~              Mobile Data Computer~n~          		Vehicle Database ~n~~n~~r~   Error: 405~n~");
   			TextDrawSetString(InfoBox[playerid], MDC);
			TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, InfoBox[playerid]);
the clicense are the same for the godfather.
But I have done so the car has different plates made by me, For example 4WBN137

Re: Help getting vehicleID number - Calgon - 16.02.2011

License plates (and I assume that the godfather usage is a string, too.) are strings and not purely integers.

pawn Код:
stock GetVehicleIDFromPlate(plate[])
    for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(CarInfo); i++)
            if(!strcmp(plate, CarInfo[i][cLicense], true)) return i;
    return 0;
You also need to change how you're using the function:

pawn Код:

Re: Help getting vehicleID number - tony_fitto - 16.02.2011

Now I get this error.

G:\Skrivbord\Skrivbord 3\Ny mapp\gamemodes\DICE.pwn(6725) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 1)
this code
new carid = GetVehicleIDFromPlate(strval(inputtext));

Re: Help getting vehicleID number - Calgon - 16.02.2011

Remove the strval function from the function and leave 'inputtext' in there.

Re: Help getting vehicleID number - tony_fitto - 16.02.2011

Hmm, I still have same problem the codes doesn't work ingame some how :S

Do only get this message.
SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_BLUE_COLOR,"______-=MOBILE DATA COMPUTER=-_______");
The rest doesn't appear in the screen...