pawn Код:
COMMAND:spawnplace( playerid, params[ ] )
if ( !strcmp( "house", params, true, 5 ) )
plvirworld = PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pVirWorld ];
foreach (Namai, namoid)
namduom[ namu_mas ],
intduom[ intInfo ];
namduom = NamuDuom[ namoid ];
intduom = NamuInt [ namduom[ nint ] ];
if ( IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( playerid, 1.5, namduom[ nx ],
namduom[ ny ], namduom[ nz ] ) ||
( plvirworld == namduom[ nid ] &&
IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( playerid, 4, intduom[ intX ],
intduom[ intY ], intduom[ intZ ] ) ) )
plinf[ pInfo ],
hsql = namduom[ nid ];
plinf = PlayerInfo[ playerid ];
if ( plinf[ pSQLID ] == namduom[ nsavininkas ] ||
plinf[ pHouseKey ] == hsql )
if ( plinf[ pSpawnPlace ] == hsql )
SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_GREY, " Appearance of the place is already found in the house." );
PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pSpawnPlace ] = hsql;
UpdateMySQLSpawnPlace( playerid );
SendClientMessage ( playerid, COLOR_WHITE, " Arose in the successful. " );
SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_GREY, " This house belongs to you and you do not rent" );
return true;
SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_GREY, " You must be at the entrance or exit home" );
else if ( !strcmp( "main", params, true, 10 ) )
if ( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pSpawnPlace ] == 0 )
SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_GREY, " Place your appearance has already been established
on the base." );
PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pSpawnPlace ] = 0;
UpdateMySQLSpawnPlace( playerid );
SendClientMessage ( playerid, COLOR_WHITE, " Appearance of the place in the main successful." );
SendUsage( playerid, "/spawnplace [house/main]" );
return true;