SpeedoMeter Simple Bug! -
Yaszine - 08.02.2011
Hello everyone
pawn Код:
forward UpdateSpeed();
public UpdateSpeed()
new Float:vh;
new S_string[256];
new Float:Sp_x, Float:Sp_y, Float:Sp_z;
new Float:kmh_speed, kmh_speed_int;
new bool:HasSpeedo[MAX_PLAYERS];
for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
new vehicleid; vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(i);
if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(i) && Dash[i] == 1) //Dash = enable/disable Speedometer
GetVehicleHealth(vehicleid, vh);
kmh_speed = floatsqroot(((Sp_x*Sp_x)+(Sp_y*Sp_y))+(Sp_z*Sp_z))*136.666667;
kmh_speed_int = floatround(kmh_speed,floatround_round);
format(S_string,256,"~g~Vehicle : ~w~%s ~n~ ~b~KM/H : ~w~%d ~n~~r~Vehicle Health:~w~ %.2f",CarName[GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(i))-400],kmh_speed_int,vh);
TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, Speedo[i]);
TextDrawSetString(Speedo[i], S_string);
TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Speedo[i]);
GetVehicleHealth(vehicleid, vh);
kmh_speed = floatsqroot(((Sp_x*Sp_x)+(Sp_y*Sp_y))+(Sp_z*Sp_z))*136.666667;
kmh_speed_int = floatround(kmh_speed,floatround_round);
format(S_string,256,"~g~Vehicle : ~w~%s ~n~ ~b~KM/H : ~w~%d ~n~~r~Vehicle Health:~w~ %.2f",CarName[GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(i))-400],kmh_speed_int,vh);
Speedo[i] = TextDrawCreate(320.00, 370.00, S_string);
TextDrawSetOutline(Speedo[i], 1);
TextDrawFont(Speedo[i], 1);
TextDrawSetProportional(Speedo[i], 2);
TextDrawAlignment(Speedo[i], 2);
TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Speedo[i]);
HasSpeedo[i] = true;
and a Timer OnGameModeInit for UpdateSpeed
BUT: when I take a car the speedometer show but when the timer will SetString it creat another TextDraw on the Old
and there is many TextDraws
HOW can I do for it show one TextDraw and it SetString without another one
AND if I exit car TextDraw will hidden !
Sorry for my bad English
I hope I'll find someone to solve it
Thanks as begin =)
Re: SpeedoMeter Simple Bug! -
-Rebel Son- - 09.02.2011
Your creating two textdraws, Remove one and use TextDrawSetString
Re : SpeedoMeter Simple Bug! -
Yaszine - 09.02.2011
Not two, there is a function if the textdraw was created, it just setstring and show it, if not it create the textdraw and show it
Re : SpeedoMeter Simple Bug! -
Yaszine - 09.02.2011
Please !
Re : SpeedoMeter Simple Bug! -
Yaszine - 10.02.2011
Up Up
Re: SpeedoMeter Simple Bug! -
-Rebel Son- - 10.02.2011
Make the textdraw global, then Use TextdrawSetString, you ARE Creating it a Second time when you update the string with a formatted text like your doing.
Re : SpeedoMeter Simple Bug! -
Yaszine - 11.02.2011
Can you give it to me!
Re: SpeedoMeter Simple Bug! -
Baboon - 11.02.2011
hmm, onplayerentervehicle put textdrawshowforplayer(playerid, Speedo[i]); with has speedo etc. Btw, why making it with a loop, use SetTimerEx("UpdateSpeed", time, true, "d", playerid); it creates one time for the playerid, put it under onplayerentervehicle and destroy it under onplayerexitvehicle...
UpdateSpeed() will become UpdateSpeed(playerid)
Remove the TextDrawHideForPlayer and ShowForPlayer and just change the textdrawsetstring each time.
Re : SpeedoMeter Simple Bug! -
Yaszine - 11.02.2011
Yes it works, But it creats many textdraws ?
Is any way to SetTimer once ? just once
Re : SpeedoMeter Simple Bug! -
Yaszine - 11.02.2011
I have maked this:
pawn Код:
forward UpdateSpeed(playerid);
public UpdateSpeed(playerid)
KillTimer(UTimer[playerid]); //Utimer = UpdateSpeed timer
STimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("SpeedoSetString", 250, true, "i", playerid);
pawn Код:
stock SpeedoSetString(playerid)
//SpeedoMeter getplayerping, velocity .. again, and not creat textdraw just for SetString
TextDrawSetString(Speedo[playerid], S_string);
return TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Speedo[playerid]);
But textdraw show until take a car and freeze without it set the string
ExitCar = destroycar / kill STimer ~