Random mesage -
Almiuxas99 - 08.02.2011
how to make one that'll escape three lines per column as like here:
do it in this script
new rMessageList[][] = {
"Random Message 1 - Will not be preceeded or folowed by itself.\nRandom Message 2 - Will not be preceeded or folowed by itself.\nRandom Message 2 - Will not be preceeded or folowed by itself.",
"Random Message 2 - Will not be preceeded or folowed by itself.",
"Random Message 3 - Will not be preceeded or folowed by itself.",
"Random Message 4 - Will not be preceeded or folowed by itself.",
"Random Message 5 - Will not be preceeded or folowed by itself.
\nHello world -------- its not working ;("
new rCheckList[sizeof(rMessageList)];
forward rMessage();
public rMessage()
new rNumber, Check = 0;
for(new i=0; i<sizeof(rCheckList); i++)
if(rCheckList[i] != 0)
if(Check == sizeof(rCheckList))
for(new i=0; i<sizeof(rCheckList); i++)
rCheckList[i] = 0;
rNumber = random(sizeof(rMessageList));
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GOLD, rMessageList[rNumber]);
rCheckList[rNumber] = 1;
public OnFilterScriptInit()
SetTimer("rMessage", TIMER, true);
Re: Random mesage -
Hiddos - 08.02.2011
I created a random server msg system (
Link) once, which includes no-repeat of previous message. You might want to take a look at the source, I hope it can be of any help to you.
Re: Random mesage -
Stunt_Guy - 08.02.2011
new TipRandMessages[][] =
forward TipMessages();
public TipMessages()
SendClientMessageToAll(0xE100E1FF, TipRandMessages[random(sizeof(TipRandMessages))]);
return 1;
SetTimer("TipMessages",200000,1); //every 2 minutes ... also put this ongamemodeinit
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) OnPlayerConnect(i);
Best Regards
Re: Random mesage -
Pooh7 - 09.02.2011
Re: Random mesage -
Mean - 09.02.2011
Want to make random msgs? Well:
pawn Код:
public OnGameModeInit( )
SetTimer ( "RandomMsgs", 120*1000, 1 ); // Will send a message every 2 minutes
return 1;
pawn Код:
forward RandomMsgs( );
public RandomMsgs( )
new msgs = random ( 5 ); // 5 msgs max!
switch ( msgs )
case 0: SendClientMessageToAll ( colorhere, "Message1" );
case 1: SendClientMessageToAll ( colorhere, "Message2" );
case 2: SendClientMessageToAll ( colorhere, "Message3" );
case 3: SendClientMessageToAll ( colorhere, "Message4" );
case 4: SendClientMessageToAll ( colorhere, "Message5" );
return 1;
Ofc change the "colorhere" to HEX color, and change "Message" to your rand message!