could you help me instead of deleting my topics? - Printable Version
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could you help me instead of deleting my topics? -
oOegyptOo - 05.02.2011
why deleted my another topic?
i need help with port forwarding in my vps
i added 8080 in csf.conf then restarted the whole vps system and still the problem port is closed not open iam useing a website to know if port 8080 open or closed and appear cloased
how you check it?
go to
and i puted ip for my server and port 8080 appear closed but others like 80 appear open.
whats problem?
Re: could you help me instead of deleting my topics? -
oOegyptOo - 05.02.2011
the reason why iam angry that admins here delete my topics for no reason they wonot help me
Re: could you help me instead of deleting my topics? -
sherlock - 05.02.2011
wow ure mature
Re: could you help me instead of deleting my topics? -
alpha500delta - 05.02.2011
Originally Posted by oOegyptOo
hi fuck this forum some of stupieds here my server is online i called another friend fixed it so fuck to you
Why did you even post it then, if your friend fixed it. Also there is no reason to flame, You dont have to be angry because noone reply's to your topic, it happens! live with it!
Re: could you help me instead of deleting my topics? -
Scenario - 05.02.2011
I hope you enjoy your ban.
Re: could you help me instead of deleting my topics? -
oOegyptOo - 05.02.2011
Originally Posted by alpha500delta
Why did you even post it then, if your friend fixed it. Also there is no reason to flame, You dont have to be angry because noone reply's to your topic, it happens! live with it!
the reason why iam angry that admins here delete my topics for no reason they wonot help me