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Onplayer exit specific vehicle[help] - Printable Version

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Onplayer exit specific vehicle[help] - -•♥♠♦♣-•Arshavin•-♥♠♦♣•- - 05.02.2011

someone know how if someone exit a specific vehicle for ex it disappear (not respawn)
and kill racecheckpoint and stuff?
but what i want is on player exit that specific vehicle so plzplzpzlplz HELP!


Re: Onplayer exit specific vehicle[help] - JamesC - 05.02.2011

pawn Код:
new SpecialVehicle;
Declare a variable to store the vehicle ID.

pawn Код:
SpecialVehicle = AddStaticVehicle( ... or CreateVehicle( ...
Create the vehicle.

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerExitVehicle( playerid, vehicleid )
    if( vehicleid == SpecialVehicle ) // If the player exited SpecialVehicle
        // Do something
    return 1;

Re: Onplayer exit specific vehicle[help] - -•♥♠♦♣-•Arshavin•-♥♠♦♣•- - 05.02.2011

if( vehicleid == SpecialVehicle ) // If the player exited SpecialVehicle
// Do something


Re: Onplayer exit specific vehicle[help] - -•♥♠♦♣-•Arshavin•-♥♠♦♣•- - 05.02.2011

dunno it works but when i do get in this car and exit and get in another car and exit does same
but if i didnt enter this car and entered another car doesnt do it
so my prob is it works before i enter this car and when i enter this car and try enter another car does same and destroy it please help!