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OnDialogResponse codes not working? - Printable Version

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OnDialogResponse codes not working? - Kyle_Olsen - 03.02.2011

I have no idea what the problem here is, so I'm asking you.

What happens is that the dialog box shows up as it should, but nothing else happens. When you press the submit button, just, nothing happens.

pawn Код:
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])

        case 1:
                     new filestring[128];
                     format(filestring, sizeof(filestring), "Accounts/%s", GetPlayerName(playerid));
                     new password[256];
                     password = dini_Get(filestring, "Password");
                     if(strcmp(inputtext, password, false) == 0){
                        Player[playerid][Skin] = dini_Int(filestring, "Skin");
                        Player[playerid][LastX] = dini_Float(filestring, "LastX");
                        Player[playerid][LastY] = dini_Float(filestring, "LastY");
                        Player[playerid][LastZ] = dini_Float(filestring, "LastZ");
                        SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, Player[playerid][Skin], Player[playerid][LastX], Player[playerid][LastY], Player[playerid][LastZ]);
                        SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, "Wrong password!");
                        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Login", "Enter your password below:", "Login", "Cancel");
        case 2:
                     new filestring[128];
                     format(filestring, sizeof(filestring), "Accounts/%s", GetPlayerName(playerid));
                     new namestring[256];
                     new passstring[256];
                     format(namestring, sizeof(namestring), "%s", GetPlayerName(playerid));
                     format(passstring, sizeof(passstring), "%s", inputtext);
                     dini_Set(filestring, "Name", namestring);
                     dini_Set(filestring, "Password", passstring);
                     dini_FloatSet(filestring, "LastX", 1643.086181);
                     dini_FloatSet(filestring, "LastY", -2237.591796);
                     dini_FloatSet(filestring, "LastZ", 13.494955);
                     dini_IntSet(filestring, "Skin", 0);
                     dini_IntSet(filestring, "Level", 0);
                     dini_IntSet(filestring, "AdminLevel", 0);
                     SendClientMessage(playerid, GREEN, "You have been registered successfully! Please now go through some steps.");
                     ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 3, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Gender", "Please choose the gender of your character:", "Male", "Female");
        case 3:
              new filestring[128];
                     format(filestring, sizeof(filestring), "Accounts/%s", GetPlayerName(playerid));
                   dini_Set(filestring, "Gender", "Male");
                   dini_Set(filestring, "Gender", "Female");
              ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 4, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Date of Birth", "Please type in the day of the month which your character were born on:", "Submit", "Cancel");
        case 4:
                 new filestring[128];
                     format(filestring, sizeof(filestring), "Accounts/%s", GetPlayerName(playerid));
                     new dob = strval(inputtext);
                     dini_IntSet(filestring, "DateOB", dob);
                     ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 5, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Month of Birth", "Please type in the the month in which your character were born:", "Submit", "Cancel");

        case 5:
                 new filestring[128];
                     format(filestring, sizeof(filestring), "Accounts/%s", GetPlayerName(playerid));
                     new mob = strval(inputtext);
                     dini_IntSet(filestring, "MonthOB", mob);
                     ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 6, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Year of Birth", "Please type in the the year in which your character were born:", "Submit", "Cancel");

        case 6:
                 new filestring[128];
                     format(filestring, sizeof(filestring), "Accounts/%s", GetPlayerName(playerid));
                     new yob = strval(inputtext);
                     dini_IntSet(filestring, "YearOB", yob);
                     SendClientMessage(playerid, GREEN, "You are now fully registered! Please log in with your password.");
                     ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Login", "Enter your password below:", "Login", "Cancel");
    return 0;

AW: OnDialogResponse codes not working? - Nero_3D - 03.02.2011

Since you didnt post and dialogid I think it happens at all

Add a \/ in the first line (of the callback)
pawn Код:
printf("OnDialogResponse(%d, %d, %d, %d, \"%s\")", playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext);
And check what the console prints if you press a dialog button

Re: OnDialogResponse codes not working? - Kyle_Olsen - 03.02.2011

It says what it's supposed to say, that the playerid is 0, dialogid is 2, response is 1, listitem is -1 and inputtext is whatever I wrote in the box..

Re: OnDialogResponse codes not working? - [03]Garsino - 03.02.2011

Make sure you also have return 0; at the end of OnDialogResponse in all your other scripts which uses dialogs

Re: OnDialogResponse codes not working? - Kyle_Olsen - 03.02.2011

It is return 0 in those.

Re: OnDialogResponse codes not working? - [03]Garsino - 03.02.2011

Place print's. The code might be stopping somewhere.

Re: OnDialogResponse codes not working? - Kyle_Olsen - 03.02.2011

Alright. Here's what I did:


print("case 2 works - this shows");
print("if response works - this shows");
new filestring[128];
format(filestring, sizeof(filestring), "Accounts/%s", GetPlayerName(playerid));
new namestring[256];
new passstring[256];
format(namestring, sizeof(namestring), "%s", GetPlayerName(playerid));
format(passstring, sizeof(passstring), "%s", inputtext);
dini_Set(filestring, "Name", namestring);
dini_Set(filestring, "Password", passstring);
dini_FloatSet(filestring, "LastX", 1643.086181);
dini_FloatSet(filestring, "LastY", -2237.591796);
dini_FloatSet(filestring, "LastZ", 13.494955);
dini_IntSet(filestring, "Skin", 0);
dini_IntSet(filestring, "Level", 0);
dini_IntSet(filestring, "AdminLevel", 0);
SendClientMessage(playerid, GREEN, "You have been registered successfully! Please now go through some steps.");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 3, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Gender", "Please choose the gender of your character:", "Male", "Female");
print("after code - this shows");

and the print("after code - this shows"); were not executed.

What is wrong? Any ideas?

Re: OnDialogResponse codes not working? - Kyle_Olsen - 03.02.2011

Alright, it seems that it's my dini functions that is not working... Any ideas here?

Re: OnDialogResponse codes not working? - [03]Garsino - 03.02.2011

Originally Posted by Kyle_Olsen
Посмотреть сообщение
Alright, it seems that it's my dini functions that is not working... Any ideas here?
It's /Accounts/%s not Accounts/%s

Also, remember that it's case sensetive on Linux.

PS. Don't doublepost

Re: OnDialogResponse codes not working? - Kyle_Olsen - 03.02.2011

1: I've got the same cases.
2: I'm using Windows Vista
3: It didn't work putting a / before Accounts