help with orgname - Printable Version
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help with orgname -
THE_KNOWN - 03.02.2011
CMD:request(playerid, params[])
new id,name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME],tmp[128],string[128];
if(sscanf(params,"i",id)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "USAGE:/request [org]");
GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));
new query[128];
format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM orgs WHERE ID=%d",id);
new row[128];
new field[3][32];
mysql_fetch_row_format(row, "|");
explode(row, field, "|");
new query1[128];
format(query1,sizeof(query1), "UPDATE ostats SET req=%d WHERE Name='%s'",id,name);
format(string, sizeof(string), "~%s is requesting to join %s.",name,tmp[127]);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_ORANGE, string);
return 1;
it doesnt show the org name which is stored in the variable "tmp".
AW: help with orgname -
Nero_3D - 03.02.2011
tmp[127] is the last cell of the array, since you save the number from field[1] in it I would say that you should use %d to print it
Re: help with orgname -
THE_KNOWN - 03.02.2011
but im storing a name in tmp so isnt it supposed to be %s?
AW: Re: help with orgname -
Nero_3D - 03.02.2011
Originally Posted by THE_KNOWN
but im storing a name in tmp so isnt it supposed to be %s?
where are you storing a name in tmp ? show me the line
Re: help with orgname -
THE_KNOWN - 03.02.2011
there is a name in field 1
AW: Re: help with orgname -
Nero_3D - 03.02.2011
Originally Posted by THE_KNOWN
there is a name in field 1
But you used strval (converts a string to an integer) :/
like you said the name is in field 1 so use field[1] in the format and remove tmp
Re: help with orgname -
THE_KNOWN - 03.02.2011
can you edit the code for me? i didnt get you =P
AW: help with orgname -
Nero_3D - 03.02.2011
Try it with that
pawn Код:
CMD:request(playerid, params[])
if(sscanf(params, "i", params[0])) return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "USAGE:/request [org]");
new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], string[128];
GetPlayerName(playerid, name, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
format(string, sizeof string, "UPDATE ostats SET req=%d WHERE Name='%s'", params[0], name);
format(string, sizeof string, "SELECT * FROM orgs WHERE ID=%d", params[0]);
mysql_fetch_row_format(string, "|");
params[0] = (strfind(string, "|", false) + 1);
string[strfind(string, "|", false, params[0])] = EOS;
format(string, sizeof string, "~%s is requesting to join %s.", name, string[params[0]]);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_ORANGE, string);
return 1;
Re: help with orgname -
Danny - 03.02.2011
Sorry for going offtopic, but i mis-read the name of the thread. Instead of 'orgname' i read 'orgasm'. That makes me lol'd for an hour
Re: help with orgname -
Steven Paul - 03.02.2011
Originally Posted by -Danny-
Sorry for going offtopic, but i mis-read the name of the thread. Instead of 'orgname' i read 'orgasm'. That makes me lol'd for an hour
It is not an off topic section. So don't give stupid replies