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[FilterScript] FGPS - Advanced GPS System - Printable Version

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FGPS - Advanced GPS System - Fj0rtizFredde - 01.02.2011

Originally Posted by Fj0rtizFredde
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Hey guys. I'm currently quite inactive here so thats why I haven't responded to your messages. If I ever get more active again I will make a new better version with less bugs and more functions but for now use something else. There is a lot more GPS systems that is way better than this.
Hi all
Here is my new GPS system. It has one of those arrows at the top of the vehicle. It uses a dynamic dialog and it save's everything with SQLite.

Note: This is my first time using SQLite so please the code might look bad at some places but I will work on it

* Arrow on top of your vehicle that shows will show you where to drive.
* Dynamic list. If there is no data in the database you will not see the dialog.
* You can create places in game but you cant delete them beacuse everything is based on ID's so in that case if you delete number 2 then number 3 should be 2 and 4 be 3 etc.. So I just put a simple software that you can use to change the ID's and delete locations (It must go from 0-MAX_LOCATIONS)
* You can edit names ingame with /Fedit. The old and the new name are separated by a , and no space! Example: /fedit My Old Name,New Name Goes Here!
* Plug & Play. Just put the FGPS in your filterscripts folder and add it to your server.cfg and you are done. If it is the first time you use the filterscript your server needs to restart. (Thats only to make sure everything loads to 100%)
* Textdraw that shows the distance left to your destination. You can disable this in the script

The commands:
To show the gps just type /gps
To turn it off just type /turnoff
To add a location to the database: Login as RCON admin and type /fsave NAME OF PLACE
To edit a location: Login as RCON admin and type /Fedit [OldName] [NewName] (old name = the place you want to edit and new name = the new name of the place

pawn Code:
#define GPSFile ("Positions.db") //The file where everything should be saved!
#define MAX_LOCATIONS 50 //How many locations you want to have!
#define UseTd //Comment This if you dont want to use the TextDraw! (To comment put // at the begining of this line)
#define GPSDialogID 1111 //The DialogID of the GPS!

Add a place:

Now look at the dialog:

Lets add some more:

And now we look at the gps agian:

The car with arrow:

Distance Meter:

Download: (New!) Mirror by TruServe <3 (Old!)

Fj0rtizFredde = Creator of this script!
Whoever made the GetDistanceBetweenPoints, PointAngle & Split function!
Sacky = Fcreate function
DracoBlue = Dcmd
Ryan = Help me to test this script
If I forgot anyone please tell me

Version 1.5:
Removed the sscanf code!
Fixed the /fedit code (Read the features list to see how it works!)
Fixed a bug when you had a lot of locations!
Made some small changes in the script!

Version 1.1:
Made some small changes in the code
Added /Fedit [OldName] [NewName] so you can edit the names ingame

Version 1.0:
Release of the script
PS! If you have any suggestions please post them here or PM them to me

Re: FGPS - Advanced GPS System - Venice - 01.02.2011

LV or LS or SF ?

Re: FGPS - Advanced GPS System - Fj0rtizFredde - 01.02.2011

Originally Posted by venice
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LV or LS or SF ?
Anywhere you want You create the places in game

Re: FGPS - Advanced GPS System - Venice - 01.02.2011

Wow Awesome Good For Rp Server

Re: FGPS - Advanced GPS System - xRyder - 01.02.2011

This looks really, really good. Nice work man!

Re: FGPS - Advanced GPS System - TruServe - 01.02.2011

Wow, very nice. Going to have to play with this. Do you want a mirror?

Re: FGPS - Advanced GPS System - Fj0rtizFredde - 01.02.2011

Originally Posted by TruServe
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Wow, very nice. Going to have to play with this. Do you want a mirror?
Yeah sure

Re: FGPS - Advanced GPS System - TruServe - 01.02.2011

Originally Posted by Fj0rtizFredde
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Yeah sure
Here you go: Mirror (
Nice work once again

Re: FGPS - Advanced GPS System - Venice - 01.02.2011

There Is No Location In Database!
im get this message

Re: FGPS - Advanced GPS System - Fj0rtizFredde - 01.02.2011

Originally Posted by venice
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There Is No Location In Database!
im get this message
Add one then Login as RCON admin and type /fsave NAME

Respuesta: FGPS - Advanced GPS System - SuperMarioRol - 01.02.2011


Re: FGPS - Advanced GPS System - Steven Paul - 01.02.2011

really good and easy to use

Re: FGPS - Advanced GPS System - Venice - 01.02.2011

im Add Worng Spelling How Can I Edit ?

Re: FGPS - Advanced GPS System - Fj0rtizFredde - 01.02.2011

Originally Posted by venice
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im Add Worng Spelling How Can I Edit ?
Use the SQL software that came with the download.. Im going to add a edit cmd for you in a few mins or tomorrow

Re: FGPS - Advanced GPS System - TheArcher - 01.02.2011

Awesome script, it looks cool. Can you upload in pastebin?

Re: FGPS - Advanced GPS System - Fj0rtizFredde - 01.02.2011

Thanks all for the feedback
I added a new version with /Fedit so you can edit the names ingame

Re: FGPS - Advanced GPS System - schillow - 01.02.2011

That's awesome !

Re: FGPS - Advanced GPS System - wups - 01.02.2011

Very nice! I think you should add a video!

Re: FGPS - Advanced GPS System - PeteShag - 01.02.2011

This is sick dude, great job.

Re: FGPS - Advanced GPS System - sherlock - 01.02.2011

so you go to your chosen location and type /fsave name?