Flashing textdraw bug - Printable Version
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Flashing textdraw bug -
OldDirtyBastard - 30.01.2011
Hello, i wanted to add couple removed features into my server like
the zone gametext EnableZoneNames(1);
I found this script here on forum:
So i modifyed it so it will be like it was with EnableZoneNames(1);
I modded the textdraw and added a SetTimerEx to hide the textdraw after couple seconds,
but the problem is that the textdraw starts to flash when im in the zone, its not like it shows only
one time by entering the zone, wish i could get on original mabakos zone script,
my problem would be solved :/ But anyway someone please help me out with this,
give me some ideas if you can.
Thanks, regards.
Re: Flashing textdraw bug -
OldDirtyBastard - 30.01.2011
Anyone please?