Is player in range - Printable Version
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Is player in range -
GoldenM4 - 29.01.2011
Okay so i'm making a One Man Army script where when you join the server you can set ur person with glasses and hats but i need help when u register you spawn in a place which is the place in range and then when you have done making a charecter it saves to ur file i use Dini so it saves but then you cannot re create the carecter so when the do there makeguy command in battle field it will say [ERROR] You have already created your character
Re: Is player in range -
Steven Paul - 29.01.2011
hmmm. Did you get any error?
Re: Is player in range -
GoldenM4 - 29.01.2011
nah i need help on how to get it on because i don't know how to create the part where you cannot fix it after and it gets saved to your registered file i use Dini so it wud be cool if you taught me