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ZCMD - davelord - 27.01.2011


The command using ZCMD

Okay, so, someone gave me a faction script, and he said: The command using ZCMD and then the code. I have no idea where to place it, any help?

Re: ZCMD - Grim_ - 27.01.2011

Place your ZCMD commands outside everything else - This means, don't place them in callbacks/functions.
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerSpawn( playerid )
   print( "hi" );
   return 1;

COMMAND:sayhi( playerid, params[ ] )
   print( "This is my first example command of ZCMD." );
   return 1;
Reading the ZCMD topic can give you some tips and tricks.

Re: ZCMD - davelord - 29.01.2011

Oh, okay, but where do i paste my command? In the ZCMD file?

Re: ZCMD - Raimis_R - 29.01.2011

In the GM (pwn)

Re: ZCMD - davelord - 29.01.2011
