Find a name inside all existing files - Printable Version
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Find a name inside all existing files -
blackwave - 24.01.2011
I'm trying to load a name, looping all files which exists. I know how to do it, but since my files are numerated like: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Then I need to know which file of these one the name have been loaded.
pawn Code:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
static str[128];
if(dini_Exists(file)) // I'm using dini in this cas
if(!strcmp(GetMyName(playerid), dini_Get(file,"Name"), true)) // Would search on all files
format(str,sizeof(str),""#red"[CAR SYSTEM]: "#green"Hello %s. You own a vehicle model %i. Your vehicle ID is: %i", // I didn't end here yet.
Player[playerid][Owner] = 1;
return 1;
So, how can I know what file the name have been loaded from?
Re: Find a name inside all existing files -
Vince - 24.01.2011
Add a break statement after 'Player[playerid][Owner] = 1;'. This will jump straight out of the loop once the item is found, and your 'file' variable will still be usable. Assuming that each player can only own 1 car.
Re: Find a name inside all existing files -
blackwave - 24.01.2011
I mean: the loop will search on all files on that folder for the name of the player which has connected. But I want to know the file number which has found this player name, since the files are like: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6..
Re: Find a name inside all existing files -
blackwave - 24.01.2011
AW: Find a name inside all existing files -
Nero_3D - 25.01.2011
pawn Code:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
static str[128];
if(dini_Exists(file)) // I'm using dini in this cas
if(!strcmp(GetMyName(playerid), dini_Get(file,"Name"), true)) // Would search on all files
format(str,sizeof(str),""#red"[CAR SYSTEM]: "#green"Hello %s. You own a vehicle model %i. Your vehicle ID is: %i", // I didn't end here yet.
Player[playerid][Owner] = 1;
//Just add your code here, the variable which stores the number is h
return 1;
Re: Find a name inside all existing files -
Sergei - 25.01.2011
Use SQLite or MySQL. Files aren't meant to be used like that.