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AntiTeamKill error - Printable Version

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AntiTeamKill error - buzifej - 23.01.2011

static gTeam[MAX_PLAYERS];
public AntiTeamKill(playerid)
if (IsPlayerConnected(playerid) && gPlayerImmunity[playerid])
SetPlayerTeam(playerid, gTeam[playerid]);
return 1;
stock ToggleFriendlyFire(playerid, bool:toggle) { gPlayerImmunity[playerid] = !toggle;

How to disable it?

Re: AntiTeamKill error - Janek17 - 23.01.2011

Originally Posted by buzifej
Посмотреть сообщение
//static gTeam[MAX_PLAYERS];
//public AntiTeamKill(playerid)
//if (IsPlayerConnected(playerid) && gPlayerImmunity[playerid])
//SetPlayerTeam(playerid, gTeam[playerid]);
//return 1;
//stock ToggleFriendlyFire(playerid, bool:toggle) { gPlayerImmunity[playerid] = !toggle;
// }

How to disable it?
If you mean that?

Re: AntiTeamKill error - buzifej - 23.01.2011

How to disable anti team kill?

Re: AntiTeamKill error - -Rebel Son- - 23.01.2011

Buz, if you want to enable/disable that function, put at the top of your script
#define TEAMKILL
Then on your function, put
#if defined TEAMKILL
at the top of your function.
At the buttom, put