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Password Fail - Printable Version

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Password Fail - =WoR=Bruno - 18.01.2011

I have this problem,i enter the server,i register account.i logout,i enter again..but then it gives me bad pass...i checked user .ini file and i saw that the password in the ini is a bunch of strange symbols....

Anyone can explain this?

I already tried to edit the .ini but it still doesnt work.

The login:

public OnPlayerLogin(playerid,password[])
    new tmp2[256];
    new string2[64];
    new playername2[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
    GetPlayerName(playerid, playername2, sizeof(playername2));
    format(string2, sizeof(string2), "users/%s.ini", playername2);
    new File: UserFile = fopen(string2, io_read);
    if ( UserFile )
        new PassData[256];
        new keytmp[256], valtmp[256];
        fread( UserFile , PassData , sizeof( PassData ) );
        keytmp = ini_GetKey( PassData );
        if( strcmp( keytmp , "Key" , true ) == 0 )
            valtmp = ini_GetValue( PassData );
            strmid(PlayerInfo[playerid][pKey], valtmp, 0, strlen(valtmp)-1, 255);
        if(strcmp(PlayerInfo[playerid][pKey],password, true ) == 0 )
                new key[ 256 ] , val[ 256 ];
                new Data[ 256 ];
                while ( fread( UserFile , Data , sizeof( Data ) ) )
                    key = ini_GetKey( Data );
                    if( strcmp( key , "Level" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "AdminLevel" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "GMLevel" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pGM] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "DonateRank" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pDonateRank] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "UpgradePoints" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][gPupgrade] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "ConnectedTime" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pConnectTime] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Registered" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pReg] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Sex" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pSex] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Age" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pAge] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "CK" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pCK] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Muted" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pMuted] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Respect" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pExp] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Money" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pCash] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Bank" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pAccount] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Crimes" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pCrimes] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Kills" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pKills] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Deaths" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pDeaths] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Arrested" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pArrested] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "WantedLevel" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pWantedLevel] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Phonebook" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pPhoneBook] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "LottoNr" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pLottoNr] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Job" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pJob] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "GunSkill" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pGunSkill] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Goods" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pGoods] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Paycheck" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pPayCheck] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "HeadValue" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pHeadValue] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Jailed" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pJailed] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "JailTime" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pJailTime] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Materials" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pMats] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "SMaterials" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pSMats] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Pot" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pPot] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Drugs" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pDrugs] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Crack" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pCrack] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Meth" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pMeth] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "SDrugs" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pSDrugs] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Leader" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Member" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "FMember" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pFMember] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Rank" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pRank] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Char" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pChar] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "ContractTime" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pContractTime] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "SexSkill" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pSexSkill] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "BoxSkill" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pBoxSkill] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "LawSkill" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pLawSkill] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "MechSkill" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pMechSkill] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "JackSkill" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pJackSkill] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "CarSkill" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarSkill] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "NewsSkill" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pNewsSkill] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "DrugsSkill" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pDrugsSkill] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "pSHealth" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pSHealth] = floatstr( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "pHealth" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pHealth] = floatstr( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Int" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pInt] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Local" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pLocal] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Team" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pTeam] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Model" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pModel] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "PhoneNr" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pPnumber] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "House" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pPhousekey] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Bizz" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pPbiskey] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Pos_x" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pPos_x] = floatstr( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Pos_y" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pPos_y] = floatstr( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Pos_z" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pPos_z] = floatstr( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "CarLic" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarLic] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "FlyLic" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pFlyLic] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "BoatLic" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pBoatLic] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "MInsure" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pMInsure] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Car" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Car2" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey2] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Car3" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey3] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "GunLic" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pGunLic] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Gun1" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun1] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Gun2" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun2] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Gun3" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun3] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Gun4" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun4] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Ammo1" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo1] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Ammo2" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo2] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Ammo3" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo3] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Ammo4" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo4] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "CarTime" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarTime] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "PayDay" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pPayDay] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "PayDayHad" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pPayDayHad] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "CDPlayer" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pCDPlayer] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Wins" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pWins] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Loses" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pLoses] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "AlcoholPerk" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pAlcoholPerk] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "DrugPerk" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pDrugPerk] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "MiserPerk" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pMiserPerk] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "PainPerk" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pPainPerk] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "TraderPerk" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pTraderPerk] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Tutorial" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pTut] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Mission" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pMissionNr] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Warnings" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pWarns] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Adjustable" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdjustable] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Fuel" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pFuel] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Married" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pMarried] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "MarriedTo" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); strmid(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMarriedTo], val, 0, strlen(val)-1, 255); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "BadgeNumber" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pBadgeNumber] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Warrant" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pRoadblock] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "Helper" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pHelper] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "playerrob" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); playerrob[playerid] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "felon" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); felon[playerid] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "StreetRep" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pStreetRep] = strval( val ); }
                    if( strcmp( key , "RepHandOut" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pRepHandOut] = strval( val ); }
                    for(new v = 0; v < MAX_PLAYERVEHICLES; v++)
                        new string[128];
                        format(string, 128, "pv%dPosX",v);
                        if( strcmp( key , string , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][v][pvPosX] = floatstr( val ); }
                        format(string, 128, "pv%dPosY",v);
                        if( strcmp( key , string , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][v][pvPosY] = floatstr( val ); }
                        format(string, 128, "pv%dPosZ",v);
                        if( strcmp( key , string , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][v][pvPosZ] = floatstr( val ); }
                        format(string, 128, "pv%dPosAngle",v);
                        if( strcmp( key , string , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][v][pvPosAngle] = floatstr( val ); }
                        format(string, 128, "pv%dModelId",v);
                        if( strcmp( key , string , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][v][pvModelId] = strval( val ); }
                        format(string, 128, "pv%dLock",v);
                        if( strcmp( key , string , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][v][pvLock] = strval( val ); }
                        format(string, 128, "pv%dLocked",v);
                        if( strcmp( key , string , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][v][pvLocked] = strval( val ); }
                        format(string, 128, "pv%dPaintJob",v);
                        if( strcmp( key , string , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][v][pvPaintJob] = strval( val ); }
                        format(string, 128, "pv%dColor1",v);
                        if( strcmp( key , string , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][v][pvColor1] = strval( val ); }
                        format(string, 128, "pv%dColor2",v);
                        if( strcmp( key , string , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][v][pvColor2] = strval( val ); }
                        for(new m = 0; m < MAX_MODS; m++)
                            format(string, 128, "pv%dMod%d", v, m);
                            if( strcmp( key , string , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][v][pvMods][m] = strval( val ); }
                        format(string, 128, "pv%dAllowedPlayer",v);
                        if( strcmp( key , string , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); strmid(PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][v][pvAllowPlayer], val, 0, strlen(val)-1, 255); }


                }//end while
                fclose(UserFile);//close the file after everything has been read in the while
            new loginstring[128];
            new loginname[64];
            format(loginstring,sizeof(loginstring),"ERROR: Incorrect passowrd!\n \nPlease enter the correct password:",loginname);
            gPlayerLogTries[playerid] += 1;
            if(gPlayerLogTries[playerid] == 4) { Kick(playerid); }
            return 1;
        PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdjustable] = 0;
        ConsumingMoney[playerid] = 1;
        CurrentMoney[playerid] = PlayerInfo[playerid][pCash];
        if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pReg] == 0)
            PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel] = 0;
            PlayerInfo[playerid][pSHealth] = 0.0;
            PlayerInfo[playerid][pHealth] = 50.0;
            PlayerInfo[playerid][pPos_x] = 2246.6;
            PlayerInfo[playerid][pPos_y] = -1161.9;
            PlayerInfo[playerid][pPos_z] = 1029.7;
            PlayerInfo[playerid][pInt] = 15;
            PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey] = 999;
            PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey2] = 999;
            PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey3] = 999;
            PlayerInfo[playerid][pLocal] = 255;
            PlayerInfo[playerid][pTeam] = 3;
    //      PlayerInfo[playerid][pModel] = 137;
            new randphone = 1000 + random(8999);//minimum 1000  max 9999 //giving one at the start
            PlayerInfo[playerid][pPnumber] = randphone;
            PlayerInfo[playerid][pPhousekey] = 255;
            PlayerInfo[playerid][pPbiskey] = 255;
            PlayerInfo[playerid][pAccount] = 500;
            PlayerInfo[playerid][pReg] = 1;
            GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 50);
        if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel] == -999) //autoban
        else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pCK] > 0)
        ClearChatbox(playerid, 8);
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "=================================================");
        format(string2, sizeof(string2), "Welcome to [Xtreme]Team RP, %s.",playername2);
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE,string2);
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "=================================================");
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Forum:");
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Ventrilo: Coming soon.");
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Other: Request your stats on the forum");
        if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] > 0)
            format(string2, sizeof(string2), "Status: You are logged in as a Level %d Admin.",PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin]);
            SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE,string2);
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "=================================================");
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, " ");
        printf("%s has logged in.",playername2);
        SetSpawnInfo(playerid, PlayerInfo[playerid][pTeam], PlayerInfo[playerid][pModel], PlayerInfo[playerid][pPos_x], PlayerInfo[playerid][pPos_y], PlayerInfo[playerid][pPos_z], 1.0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1);
        if(gTeam[playerid] == 0)
            gTeam[playerid] = 3;
            gTeam[playerid] = PlayerInfo[playerid][pTeam];
        gPlayerLogged[playerid] = 1;
        //GivePlayerMoney(playerid, PlayerInfo[playerid][pCash]);
        format(tmp2, sizeof(tmp2), "~g~Welcome Back ~n~~r~   %s", playername2);
        GameTextForPlayer(playerid, tmp2, 5000, 3);
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, motd);
        if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pFMember] < 255)
            format(tmp2, sizeof(tmp2), "Family MOTD: %s.", FamilyInfo[PlayerInfo[playerid][pFMember]][FamilyMOTD]);
            SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, tmp2);
    return 1;
The register:

public OnPlayerRegister(playerid, password[])
            new string3[32];
            new playername3[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
            GetPlayerName(playerid, playername3, sizeof(playername3));
            format(string3, sizeof(string3), "users/%s.ini", playername3);
            new File: hFile = fopen(string3, io_write);
            if (hFile)
                strmid(PlayerInfo[playerid][pKey], password, 0, strlen(password), 255);
                new var[32];
                format(var, 32, "Key=%s\n", PlayerInfo[playerid][pKey]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                PlayerInfo[playerid][pCash] = GetPlayerMoney(playerid);
                format(var, 32, "Level=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "AdminLevel=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "GMLevel=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pGM]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "DonateRank=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pDonateRank]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "UpgradePoints=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][gPupgrade]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "ConnectedTime=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pConnectTime]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Registered=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pReg]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Sex=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pSex]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Age=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pAge]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "CK=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pCK]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Muted=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pMuted]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Respect=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pExp]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Money=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pCash]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Bank=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pAccount]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Crimes=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pCrimes]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Kills=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pKills]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Deaths=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pDeaths]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Arrested=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pArrested]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Phonebook=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pPhoneBook]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "LottoNr=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pLottoNr]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "GunSkill=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pGunSkill]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Job=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pJob]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Goods=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pGoods]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Paycheck=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pPayCheck]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "HeadValue=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pHeadValue]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Jailed=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pJailed]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "JailTime=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pJailTime]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Materials=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pMats]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "SMaterials=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pSMats]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Drugs=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pDrugs]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Pot=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pPot]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Crack=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pCrack]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Meth=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pMeth]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "SDrugs=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pSDrugs]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Leader=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Member=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "FMember=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pFMember]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 64, "Car=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 64, "Car2=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey2]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 64, "Car3=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey3]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Rank=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pRank]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Char=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pChar]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "ContractTime=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pContractTime]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "SexSkill=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pSexSkill]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "BoxSkill=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pBoxSkill]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "LawSkill=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pLawSkill]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "MechSkill=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pMechSkill]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "JackSkill=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pJackSkill]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "CarSkill=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarSkill]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "NewsSkill=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pNewsSkill]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "DrugsSkill=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pDrugsSkill]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "pSHealth=%.1f\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pSHealth]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "pHealth=%.1f\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pHealth]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Int=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pInt]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Local=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pLocal]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Team=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pTeam]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Model=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pModel]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "PhoneNr=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pPnumber]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "House=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pPhousekey]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Bizz=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pPbiskey]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "StreetRep=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pStreetRep]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "RepHandOut=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pRepHandOut]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                if ((PlayerInfo[playerid][pPos_x]==0.0 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pPos_y]==0.0 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pPos_z]==0.0))
                    PlayerInfo[playerid][pPos_x] = 1684.9;
                    PlayerInfo[playerid][pPos_y] = -2244.5;
                    PlayerInfo[playerid][pPos_z] = 13.5;
                if(Spectate[playerid] != 255)
                    PlayerInfo[playerid][pPos_x] = Unspec[playerid][sPx];
                    PlayerInfo[playerid][pPos_y] = Unspec[playerid][sPy];
                    PlayerInfo[playerid][pPos_z] = Unspec[playerid][sPz];
                    PlayerInfo[playerid][pInt] = Unspec[playerid][sPint];
                    PlayerInfo[playerid][pLocal] = Unspec[playerid][sLocal];
                format(var, 32, "Pos_x=%.1f\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pPos_x]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Pos_y=%.1f\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pPos_y]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Pos_z=%.1f\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pPos_z]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "CarLic=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarLic]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "FlyLic=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pFlyLic]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "BoatLic=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pBoatLic]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "MInsure=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pMInsure]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "GunLic=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pGunLic]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Gun1=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun1]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Gun2=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun2]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Gun3=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun3]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Gun4=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun4]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Ammo1=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo1]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Ammo2=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo2]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Ammo3=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo3]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Ammo4=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo4]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "CarTime=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarTime]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "PayDay=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pPayDay]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "PayDayHad=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pPayDayHad]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "CDPlayer=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pCDPlayer]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Wins=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pWins]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Loses=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pLoses]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "AlcoholPerk=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pAlcoholPerk]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "DrugPerk=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pDrugPerk]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "MiserPerk=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pMiserPerk]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "PainPerk=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pPainPerk]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "TraderPerk=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pTraderPerk]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Tutorial=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pTut]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Mission=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pMissionNr]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Warnings=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pWarns]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Adjustable=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdjustable]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Fuel=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pFuel]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Married=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pMarried]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "MarriedTo=%s\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pMarriedTo]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "BadgeNumber=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pBadgeNumber]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Warrant=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pRoadblock]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                format(var, 32, "Helper=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pHelper]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                for(new v = 0; v < MAX_PLAYERVEHICLES; v++)
                   format(var, 32, "pv%dPosX=%.1f\n", v, PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][v][pvPosX]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                   format(var, 32, "pv%dPosY=%.1f\n", v, PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][v][pvPosY]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                   format(var, 32, "pv%dPosZ=%.1f\n", v, PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][v][pvPosZ]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                   format(var, 32, "pv%dPosAngle=%.1f\n", v, PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][v][pvPosAngle]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                   format(var, 32, "pv%dModelId=%d\n", v, PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][v][pvModelId]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                   format(var, 32, "pv%dLock=%d\n", v, PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][v][pvLock]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                   format(var, 32, "pv%dLocked=%d\n", v, PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][v][pvLocked]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                   format(var, 32, "pv%dPaintJob=%d\n", v, PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][v][pvPaintJob]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                   format(var, 32, "pv%dColor1=%d\n", v, PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][v][pvColor1]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                   format(var, 32, "pv%dColor2=%d\n", v, PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][v][pvColor2]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                   for(new m = 0; m < MAX_MODS; m++)
                       format(var, 32, "pv%dMod%d=%d\n", v, m, PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][v][pvMods][m]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                   format(var, 32, "pv%dAllowedPlayer=%s\n", v, PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][v][pvAllowPlayer]);fwrite(hFile, var);
                new loginstring[128];
                new loginname[64];
                SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "** If you need any help use /ask");
                format(loginstring,sizeof(loginstring),"Welcome to [Xtreme]Team Rp \n \nThat name is registered.\nPlease enter your password below:",loginname);
    return 1;

Re: Password Fail - Calgon - 18.01.2011

Because you're using a stolen script.

Re: Password Fail - =WoR=Bruno - 18.01.2011

Stolen? youre dumb or what?

this is a Larp edit,is on the gamemode section,if it was stolen,probabbly the thread at Gamemodes would be removed already...

...Instead of making me wasting my time reading your bullshit post,go fix the bugs of your script

I posted to ask help,if you dont want to help,go post elsewhere...

Re: Password Fail - Calgon - 18.01.2011

Originally Posted by DonBruno
Посмотреть сообщение
Stolen? youre dumb or what?

this is a Larp edit,is on the gamemode section,if it was stolen,probabbly the thread at Gamemodes would be removed already...

...Instead of making me wasting my time reading your bullshit post,go fix the bugs of your script

I posted to ask help,if you dont want to help,go post elsewhere...
Wrong place, I intended to post it back as a PM to someone, calm down and stop raging. And there are NO bugs in my script.

Re: Password Fail - =WoR=Bruno - 18.01.2011

Oh...ok then xD

and yes there are calgon i already tested it...but are small ones.

going back ontopic...can someone tell me whats wrong here?

Re: Password Fail - Calgon - 18.01.2011

Originally Posted by DonBruno
Посмотреть сообщение
Oh...ok then xD

and yes there are calgon i already tested it...but are small ones.

going back ontopic...can someone tell me whats wrong here?
Small ones? There is one known bug which isn't in the script it's down to a missing value in a scriptfile.

If you're going to be rude, then I expect you to not chicken out of an argument. PM me or visitor message me or shut up.

Re: Password Fail - Kwarde - 18.01.2011


if(strcmp(PlayerInfo[playerid][pKey],password, true ) == 0 )

Try replacing by

pawn Код:
if(!strcmp(PlayerInfo[playerid][pKey], password, false))

Re: Password Fail - =WoR=Bruno - 18.01.2011

Not working Kwarde... i registered 0000 as password and at .ini is 48 -.-

Re: Password Fail - Kwarde - 19.01.2011

Ehm, try instead of '{key}={value}' this: '{value} {key}'.

format(var, 32, "%d pAdmin", PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin]);
instead of
format(var, 32, "pAdmin=%d", PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin]);
I ever had an gamemode (frpg / slrpg) that had '%d pAdmin'. This system (script) looks the same as that login system (slrpg). So try that :P

And also,
new File: hFile = fopen(string3, io_write);
For making that file, try using "io_append" , and not "io_write". Maybe that'll help too

Re: Password Fail - Think - 19.01.2011

Originally Posted by Kwarde
Посмотреть сообщение
Ehm, try instead of '{key}={value}' this: '{value} {key}'.

format(var, 32, "%d pAdmin", PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin]);
instead of
format(var, 32, "pAdmin=%d", PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin]);
I ever had an gamemode (frpg / slrpg) that had '%d pAdmin'. This system (script) looks the same as that login system (slrpg). So try that :P

And also,
new File: hFile = fopen(string3, io_write);
For making that file, try using "io_append" , and not "io_write". Maybe that'll help too
you dont know the fuck your talking about, shut up please.

i apologize for offtopix but i thought this needed to be said lol.