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help with question - Printable Version

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help with question - Dannu13 - 15.01.2011

hy how i can set to my server a dialog when you want regisrer on server you set a you password and after then coming to you dialog and his answer what is a ooc? and wariant-s and what is a dm ... pls help hu undesrstan me what i mean.. it's a rp test.... what i mean..

im speak good on estonian and russia..

Re: help with question - Dannu13 - 15.01.2011

help me pls

Re: help with question - Mini` - 15.01.2011

I'm sure if you look through almost any of the RP scripts you will find something like what you want. Especially the old messy RP scripts, they seem to be filled with this sort of stuff.