[HELP] Tazer - Printable Version
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[HELP] Tazer -
joeri55 - 14.01.2011
Dear users,
I'm trying to make a taser cmd for my server. And it complies fine but I've got a problem. When I pull the trigger of the SD Pistol and I ain't aiming properly on a person it tazes myself.
This is under KeyStateChange
if(((oldkeys & KEY_FIRE) && !(newkeys & KEY_FIRE)) || ((newkeys & KEY_FIRE) && !(oldkeys & KEY_FIRE)) || (newkeys & KEY_FIRE))
for(new i = 0; i < GetMaxPlayers(); i++)
if(IsPlayerAiming(playerid, i))
if(Groups[Player[playerid][Group]][CommandTypes] == 1)
if(GetPlayerWeapon(playerid) == 23)
//SetPlayerHealth(i, 0);
TogglePlayerControllable(i, 0);
ApplyAnimation(i, "CRACK", "crckdeth2", 4.0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
GameTextForPlayer(i, "You got Tazed", 3000, 3);
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "Inmate got tazed", 3000, 3);
SetTimerEx("UntazePlayer", 12000, false, "d", i);
return 1;
And this is the cmd taking it out.
command(taser, playerid, params[])
if(Groups[Player[playerid][Group]][CommandTypes] == 1)
GivePlayerWeaponEx(playerid, 23);
new string[128];
format(string, sizeof(string), "* %s unholsters his tazer.", UnderscoreToSpaceName( playerid ));
NearByMessage(playerid, PURPLE, string);
return 1;
return 0;
Does anyone knows how to stop tazing yourself?
Re: [HELP] Tazer -
Kapil - 14.01.2011
try adding a if statement to makesure playerid != i
Re: [HELP] Tazer -
joeri55 - 16.01.2011
That file ain't working.
Re: [HELP] Tazer -
joeri55 - 17.01.2011
Anyone knows a solution for this?