pawn Код:
dcmd_gang( playerid, params[ ] )
new gString[ MAX_CLIENT_MSG ], gangid = pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_ID ];
if ( params[ 0 ] == '\0' )
else if ( !strcmp( params, "create", true, 6 ) )
if ( IsPlayerInAnyGang( playerid ) )
return SendError( playerid, "You are already in a gang." );
else if ( !strlen( params[ 7 ] ) )
return SendUsage( playerid, "/gang create [GANG_NAME]" );
strcpy( gString, params, 0, 7 );
if ( CreateGang( playerid, gString ) != INVALID_GANG_ID )
print("Debug: 1 3237");
return 1;
return SendError( playerid, "Gang could not be created." );
else if ( !strcmp( params, "quit", true, 4 ) || !strcmp( params, "leave", true, 5 ) )
if ( !IsPlayerInAnyGang( playerid ) )
return SendError( playerid, "You are not in a gang." );
RemovePlayerFromGang( playerid, GANG_LEAVE_QUIT );
return 1;
else if ( !strcmp ( params, "kick", true, 4 ) )
if ( pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_POS ] )
return SendError( playerid, "You must be gang leader to use this command." );
else if ( !strlen( params[ 5 ] ) || !IsNumeric( params[ 5 ] ) )
return SendUsage( playerid, "/gang kick [PLAYERID]" );
new kick = strval( params[ 5 ] );
if ( !IsPlayerConnected( kick ) )
return SendError( playerid, "Player is not connected." );
else if ( pData[ kick ][ P_GANG_ID ] != pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_ID ] )
return SendError( playerid, "You can only kick players in your gang." );
RemovePlayerFromGang( kick, GANG_LEAVE_KICK, playerid );
return 1;
else if ( !strcmp( params, "invite", true, 6 ) )
// if ( pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_POS ] )
// return SendError( playerid, "You must be gang leader to use this command." );
if ( !IsPlayerInAnyGang( playerid ) )
return SendError( playerid, "You must be in a gang to use this command." );
else if ( !strlen( params[ 7 ] ) || !IsNumeric( params[ 7 ] ) )
return SendUsage( playerid, "/gang invite [PLAYERID]" );
new invite = strval( params[ 7 ] );
if ( !IsPlayerConnected( invite ) )
return SendError( playerid, "Player is not connected." );
else if ( invite == playerid )
return SendError( playerid, "Inviting yourself?" );
GetPlayerName( playerid, gString, MAX_PLAYER_NAME );
format( gString, sizeof( gString ), "* %s (ID: %d) invited you to join %s (ID: %d). Type /gang join to join.", gString, playerid, gData[ gangid ][ G_NAME ], gangid );
SendClientMessage( invite, COLOR_ORANGE, gString );
GetPlayerName( invite, gString, MAX_PLAYER_NAME );
format( gString, sizeof( gString ), "* Sent a gang invite to %s (ID: %d).", gString, invite );
SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_GREEN, gString );
pData[ invite ][ P_GANG_INVITE ] = pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_ID ];
return 1;
else if ( !strcmp( params, "info", true, 4 ) )
if ( !strlen( params[ 5 ] ) )
if ( !IsPlayerInAnyGang( playerid ) )
return SendUsage( playerid, "/gang info [GANGID]" );
gID = pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_ID ];
else if ( strlen( params[ 5 ] ) )
if ( !IsNumeric( params[ 5 ] ) )
return SendUsage( playerid, "/gang info [GANGID]" );
gID = strval( params[ 5 ] );
if ( !IsValidGang( gID ) )
return SendError( playerid, "Enter a valid gang id." );
new pName[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ], counter;
format( gString, sizeof( gString ), "* Gang Information for %s (ID:%d):", gData[ gID ][ G_NAME ], gID );
SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_GREEN, gString );
GetPlayerName( gData[ gID ][ G_LEADER ], gString, MAX_PLAYER_NAME );
format( gString, sizeof( gString ), "* Leader - %s (ID:%d) | Members - %d", gString, gData[ gID ][ G_LEADER ], gData[ gID ][ G_TOTALS ] );
SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, gString );
format( gString, sizeof( gString ), "* Kills - %d | Deaths - %d", gData[ gID ][ G_KILLS ], gData[ gID ][ G_DEATHS ] );
if ( !gData[ gID ][ G_DEATHS ] || !gData[ gID ][ G_KILLS ] )
format( gString, sizeof( gString ), "%s | Kill Ratio - N/A", gString );
format( gString, sizeof( gString ), "%s | Kill Ratio - %.2f", gString, floatdiv( gData[ gID ][ G_KILLS ], gData[ gID ][ G_DEATHS ] ) );
SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, gString );
gString = "* ";
for ( new memberid = 0; memberid < gData[ gID ][ G_TOTALS ]; memberid++ )
if ( IsPlayerConnected( gData[ gID ][ G_MEMBERS ][ memberid ] ) )
GetPlayerName( gData[ gID ][ G_MEMBERS ][ memberid ], pName, MAX_PLAYER_NAME );
if ( counter > 3 )
SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, gString );
gString = "* ";
format( gString, sizeof( gString ), "%s%s (%d), ", gString, pName, gData[ gID ][ G_MEMBERS ][ memberid ] );
counter = 1;
format( gString, sizeof( gString ), "%s%s (%d), ", gString, pName, gData[ gID ][ G_MEMBERS ][ memberid ] );
if ( strlen( gString[ 2 ] ) )
SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, gString );
return 1;
else if ( !strcmp( params, "join", true, 4 ) )
if ( pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_INVITE ] == INVALID_GANG_ID )
return SendError( playerid, "You have not been invited to a gang." );
else if ( gData[ pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_INVITE ] ][ G_TOTALS ] >= MAX_GANG_MEMBERS )
return SendError( playerid, "This gang is full." );
if ( IsPlayerInAnyGang( playerid ) )
RemovePlayerFromGang( playerid, GANG_LEAVE_QUIT );
SetPlayerGang( playerid, pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_INVITE ] );
pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_INVITE ] = INVALID_GANG_ID;
return 1;
/* else if ( !strcmp( params, "alliance", true, 8 ) )
if ( !IsPlayerInAnyGang( playerid ) )
return SendError( playerid, "You must be in a gang to use this command." );
else if ( pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_POS ] )
return SendError( playerid, "You must be a gang leader to use this command." );
else if ( !strlen( params[ 9 ] ) || !IsNumeric( params[ 10 ] ) )
return SendUsage( playerid, "/gang alliance [gangid]" );
new allyid = strval( params[ 9 ] );
if ( !IsValidGang( allyid ) )
return SendError( playerid, "Who are you trying to ally with!?" );
gData[ pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_ID ] ][ G_ALLY ] = allyid;
format( gString, sizeof( gString ), "* Your gang has allied with %s (ID:%d).", gData[ allyid ][ G_NAME ], allyid );
SendClientMessageToGang( pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_ID ], COLOR_ORANGE, gString );
format( gString, sizeof( gString ), "* %s (ID:%d) has made you their ally.", gData[ pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_ID ] ][ G_NAME ], pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_ID ] );
SendClientMessageToGang( allyid, COLOR_ORANGE, gString );
return 1;
else if ( !strcmp( params, "setleader", true, 9 ) )
if ( !IsPlayerInAnyGang( playerid ) )
return SendError( playerid, "You must be in a gang to use this command." );
else if ( pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_POS ] )
return SendError( playerid, "You must be the gang leader to use this command." );
else if ( !strlen( params[ 10 ] ) || !IsNumeric( params[ 10 ] ) )
return SendUsage( playerid, "/gang setleader [PLAYERID]" );
new otherid = strval( params[ 10 ] );
if ( !IsPlayerConnected( otherid ) )
return SendError( playerid, "Player is not connected." );
else if ( !IsPlayerInGang( otherid, pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_ID ] ) )
return SendError( playerid, "This player is not in your gang!" );
gData[ gangid ][ G_MEMBERS ][ pData[ otherid ][ P_GANG_POS ] ] = playerid;
pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_POS ] = pData[ otherid ][ P_GANG_POS ];
gData[ gangid ][ G_MEMBERS ][ 0 ] = otherid;
pData[ otherid ][ P_GANG_POS ] = 0;
gData[ pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_ID ] ][ G_LEADER ] = otherid;
gData[ pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_ID ] ][ G_COLOR ] = pColors[ otherid ];
GetPlayerName( playerid, pName, MAX_PLAYER_NAME );
GetPlayerName( otherid, gString, MAX_PLAYER_NAME );
format( gString, sizeof( gString ), "* %s (ID:%d) has set %s (ID:%d) as gang leader.", pName, playerid, gString, otherid );
if ( playerid != sRhinoOwner && playerid != sHighBountyPlayer )
SetPlayerColor( playerid, setAlpha( pColors[ playerid ], 0x40 ) );
for ( new memberid = 0; memberid < gData[ gangid ][ G_TOTALS ]; memberid++ )
if ( IsPlayerConnected( gData[ gangid ][ G_MEMBERS ][ memberid ] ) )
if ( sRhinoOwner == gData[ gangid ][ G_MEMBERS ][ memberid ] || sHighBountyPlayer == gData[ gangid ][ G_MEMBERS ][ memberid ] )
// We don't need to set "memberid"'s colour ...
for ( new omemberid = 0; omemberid < gData[ gangid ][ G_TOTALS ]; omemberid++ )
if ( !IsPlayerConnected( gData[ gangid ][ G_MEMBERS ][ omemberid ] ) )
// We need to set "omemberid"'s colour
if( sRhinoOwner != gData[ gangid ][ G_MEMBERS ][ omemberid ] && sHighBountyPlayer != gData[ gangid ][ G_MEMBERS ][ omemberid ] )
SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer( gData[ gangid ][ G_MEMBERS ][ memberid ], gData[ gangid ][ G_MEMBERS ][ omemberid ], setAlpha( gData[ gangid ][ G_COLOR ], 0xAA ) );
// We need to set memberid's colour.
SetPlayerColor( gData[ gangid ][ G_MEMBERS ][ memberid ], setAlpha( gData[ gangid ][ G_COLOR ], 0x40 ) );
for ( new omemberid = 0; omemberid < gData[ gangid ][ G_TOTALS ]; omemberid++ )
if ( !IsPlayerConnected( gData[ gangid ][ G_MEMBERS ][ omemberid ] ) )
// We don't need to set "j"'s colour.
if ( sRhinoOwner == gData[ gangid ][ G_MEMBERS ][ omemberid ] || sHighBountyPlayer == gData[ gangid ][ G_MEMBERS ][ omemberid ] )
SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer( gData[ gangid ][ G_MEMBERS ][ omemberid ], gData[ gangid ][ G_MEMBERS ][ memberid ], setAlpha( gData[ gangid ][ G_COLOR ], 0xAA ) );
// We need to set "j"'s and "i"'s colour.
SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer( gData[ gangid ][ G_MEMBERS ][ memberid ], gData[ gangid ][ G_MEMBERS ][ omemberid ], setAlpha( gData[ gangid ][ G_COLOR ], 0xAA ) );
SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer( gData[ gangid ][ G_MEMBERS ][ omemberid ], gData[ gangid ][ G_MEMBERS ][ memberid ], setAlpha( gData[ gangid ][ G_COLOR ], 0xAA ) );
SendClientMessage( gData[ gangid ][ G_MEMBERS ][ memberid ], COLOR_GREEN, gString );
#if VERSION_LITE == false
for ( new gZ = 0; gZ < sizeof( gZones ); gZ++ )
if ( gZones[ gZ ][ G_ZONE_OWNER ] == gangid )
gZones[ gZ ][ G_ZONE_COLOR ] = ( gData[ gangid ][ G_COLOR ] & 0xFFFFFF00 ) | 0x80;
GangZoneShowForAll( gZones[ gZ ][ G_ZONE_ID ], gZones[ gZ ][ G_ZONE_COLOR ] );
if ( gZones[ gZ ][ G_ZONE_WAR ] )
GangZoneFlashForAll( gZones[ gZ ][ G_ZONE_ID ], 0xFF000080 );
return 1;